Hi-Fi News  |  February 2022
If 2021 provided us a little more ‘positivity’ than the annus horribilis that was 2020 then, by this circumspect scale, the artisans who press our vinyl will surely be popping more than a few corks in January 2022. The first week of the New Year typically sees the BPI (British
Phonographic Industry) reporting its statistics on just how, and by how much, we’ve been consuming our music media. Now, I’m writing this before Big Ben once again strikes up its familiar chime, but the runes look very good for sales of the black stuff. By all accounts it
seems in excess of five million units (albums) were purchased in the UK throughout 2021, an increase of eight percent on 2020 and the 14th consecutive year of growth since the ‘vinyl revival’ kicked off in 2007. In Vinyl Release Steve Sutherland considers the legacy of Cat Stevens’ 1971 LP, Teaser & The Firecat, now on 180g. We discuss The Hi-Fi News Pledge - Why you can trust our reviews. We review, MBL Noble N11/N15 - German-made pre/power amps with an artisan spin on Class D have no shortage of slam or subtlety.
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