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History of War Magazine Issue 142 Zurück Ausgabe

50 Bewertungen   •  English   •   General Interest (History & Knowledge)
Only €4,99
Delve into the gripping world of warfare in this edition, featuring tales of snipers and the haunting legacy of Dunkirk's Operation Dynamo. Explore the intense Battle for Europe, the valor of the Medal of Honor, and the Royal Navy's siege that inspired the Star Spangled Banner. Discover the rise of the Freikorps and the tactics used by elite sharpshooters.
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History of War

Issue 142 Delve into the gripping world of warfare in this edition, featuring tales of snipers and the haunting legacy of Dunkirk's Operation Dynamo. Explore the intense Battle for Europe, the valor of the Medal of Honor, and the Royal Navy's siege that inspired the Star Spangled Banner. Discover the rise of the Freikorps and the tactics used by elite sharpshooters.

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Great little magazine

I received an offer where I could choose a free magazine to look at and chose this. I have to say it is a really good magazine, very informative and I will definitely be downloading future issues. Überprüft 06 Januar 2022

History of War

great read Überprüft 08 Juli 2021
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