Holidays With Kids  |  Volume 50
Is your family dreaming about a relaxing beachside getaway, getting back to nature in the mountains or discovering the culture and streets of a bustling metropolis? This issue has stories, inspiration, news and tips to suit all bucket lists. This issue is the 50th edition of Holidays with Kids magazine and to celebrate this milestone, we start this edition with a special feature on our 50 favourite kid-friendly experiences from around! In our sunburnt country, we swim with the majestic creatures of Ningaloo Reef, get a kid’s perspective on what makes Canberra the capital of fun and discover that the Gold Coast glitter’s best at night. Heading overseas, we road trip through New Zealand’s South Island, brave some DIY cruising down the Canal du Midi in France, explore the Swiss mountains that inspired ‘Heidi’, take a Sabi Sabi safari in South Africa, walk the streets of New York City, and discover why Tokyo is fast becoming the talk of the town.
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