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Homespun Magazine Issue#14.11 - November 2013 Zurück Ausgabe

61 Bewertungen   •  English   •   Hobbies & Crafts (Arts & Crafts)
Only €5,99
Homespun November issue is packed with fabulous projects, ranging from retro crochet to a contemporary art quilt, with plenty of great designer makes in between – including a fabulous tote bag made from fabric remnants, an appliquéd garden apron, and two beautiful quilts. There’s also a magical storybook softie to make, which is irresistibly cute and comes complete with a little tale of its own. As a special section, Homespun brings you three last-minute Christmas makes that are inspirational and easy to sew. Plus don’t miss the final instalment of the 2013 Block of the Month project. This issue, Homespun looks at optical-illusion quilts from some of the most gifted designers around the globe; they explain the intricacies of constructing these eye-popping creations.
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Issue#14.11 - November 2013 Homespun November issue is packed with fabulous projects, ranging from retro crochet to a contemporary art quilt, with plenty of great designer makes in between – including a fabulous tote bag made from fabric remnants, an appliquéd garden apron, and two beautiful quilts. There’s also a magical storybook softie to make, which is irresistibly cute and comes complete with a little tale of its own. As a special section, Homespun brings you three last-minute Christmas makes that are inspirational and easy to sew. Plus don’t miss the final instalment of the 2013 Block of the Month project. This issue, Homespun looks at optical-illusion quilts from some of the most gifted designers around the globe; they explain the intricacies of constructing these eye-popping creations.

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Issue Cover

Homespun  |  Issue#14.11 - November 2013  

Homespun November issue is packed with fabulous projects, ranging from retro crochet to a contemporary art quilt, with plenty of great designer makes in between – including a fabulous tote bag made from fabric remnants, an appliquéd garden apron, and two beautiful quilts. There’s also a magical storybook softie to make, which is irresistibly cute and comes complete with a little tale of its own. As a special section, Homespun brings you three last-minute Christmas makes that are inspirational and easy to sew. Plus don’t miss the final instalment of the 2013 Block of the Month project. This issue, Homespun looks at optical-illusion quilts from some of the most gifted designers around the globe; they explain the intricacies of constructing these eye-popping creations.
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To harness the creative spirit; to create; to inspire; to adorn one’s home with handcrafted wares made from textiles; these are the essential elements in Homespun.
Since its 2000 release, Homespun has gone from strength to strength with its inspiring range of projects and products. Featuring all things craft with a hint of country, Homespun is the essential magazine for anyone with an interest in creating a beautiful hand-crafted textile product.

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Basierend auf 61 Kundenrezensionen
Rezensionen ansehen

Great magazine

Best thing about digital magazines is discovering titles from other countries. Loved visiting quilting and other craft shops on holiday in Oz and now I have their patterns at my fingertips on my computer. Wonderful. Überprüft 09 Januar 2021


I love the variety of projects in Homespun. Always find something I would like to start right now this minute.
Überprüft 03 April 2020


Homespun is my number 1 favorite quilt/stuffed toys/fun stuff magazine I have ever ordered and it is DIGITAL. Where I live in Kuwait (Middle East) it is impossible to get any craft magazines since they no longer allow them in the country. Your Magazine is like "Gold" to me. I even love the advertisements which helps me to connect to suppliers that carry products that are unavailable in Kuwait. Thank you a thousand times over for a great well put together magazine that inspires me to improve my sewing techniques and brings joy to my friends and family when they receive my quilts and dolls and stuff made from your beautiful magazine patterns with excellent directions. Peace & Love from your #1 fan in Kuwait. Überprüft 16 März 2020

Artikel in dieser Ausgabe

Im Folgenden finden Sie eine Auswahl von Artikeln aus Homespun Issue#14.11 - November 2013.

Homespun 25.5 25.5 Kaufen für €5,99 Siehe | In den Warenkorb
Homespun 25.4 25.4 Kaufen für €5,99 Siehe | In den Warenkorb
Homespun 25.3 25.3 Kaufen für €5,99 Siehe | In den Warenkorb
Homespun 25.2 25.2 Kaufen für €5,99 Siehe | In den Warenkorb
Homespun 25.1 25.1 Kaufen für €5,99 Siehe | In den Warenkorb
Homespun 24.6 24.6 Kaufen für €5,99 Siehe | In den Warenkorb
Homespun 24.5 24.5 Kaufen für €5,99 Siehe | In den Warenkorb
Homespun 24.4 24.4 Kaufen für €5,99 Siehe | In den Warenkorb
Homespun 24.3 24.3 Kaufen für €5,99 Siehe | In den Warenkorb
Homespun 24.2 24.2 Kaufen für €5,99 Siehe | In den Warenkorb
Homespun 24.1 24.1 Kaufen für €5,99 Siehe | In den Warenkorb
Homespun 23.6 23.6 Kaufen für €5,99 Siehe | In den Warenkorb
Homespun 23.5 23.5 Kaufen für €5,99 Siehe | In den Warenkorb
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