Homespun  |  Issue#14.11 - November 2013
Homespun November issue is packed with fabulous projects, ranging from retro crochet to a contemporary art quilt, with plenty of great designer makes in between – including a fabulous tote bag made from fabric remnants, an appliquéd garden apron, and two beautiful quilts. There’s also a magical storybook softie to make, which is irresistibly cute and comes complete with a little tale of its own. As a special section, Homespun brings you three last-minute Christmas makes that are inspirational and easy to sew. Plus don’t miss the final instalment of the 2013 Block of the Month project. This issue, Homespun looks at optical-illusion quilts from some of the most gifted designers around the globe; they explain the intricacies of constructing these eye-popping creations.
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