Horse&Rider Magazine - UK equestrian magazine for Horse and Rider | Horse&Rider February 2025
We’re so excited to announce that the February issue of Horse&Rider features one of Britain’s greatest event riders Pippa Funnell as our Guest Editor!
“As a young rider growing up I was incredibly lucky to have role models such as Lucinda Green and Mark Todd to aspire to and admire. During my own career, I’ve always tried to aim high and work hard, while learning from the very best in the sport, so when Horse&Rider asked me to guest edit this issue, I was delighted to be given the chance to pass on my own top tips and advice, which I hope you will find useful.
“I’ve always been a great believer in setting goals, establishing effective routines, and getting to know each horse as an individual. Horse welfare is top priority for me and my team, and keeping the horses happy and healthy is really important. That’s why daily checks, targeted fitness sessions and appropriate exercises are key for both horse and rider.
“The last year has been so busy, and competing at the likes of Badminton and Burghley still gives me a huge buzz. For anyone starting out, follow your dreams and believe you can make it to the top!”
In this issue, discover Pippa’s simple flatwork exercises that will get your horse straight and supple – all you need is a few poles to get started. Plus, find out her secrets to success and follow her seven steps to creating a fit, happy and healthy horse. Nutritionist Sarah Nelson also shares her advice on feeding older horses and helps you identify when changes need to be made to his diet. And if you’re in need of a mindset makeover to help keep you motivated, check out performance psychologist Jacqueline Malone’s goal-setting tips and Alison Buttery’s advice that will help you thrive under pressure.
All this and so much more in February Horse&Rider – on sale now!
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