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Q & A In the saddle

Our experts



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Horse&Rider Magazine - UK equestrian magazine for Horse and Rider
Horse&Rider Magazine – March 2021

Andere Artikel in dieser Ausgabe

HORSE&RIDER March 2021
Something old something new
Could it be time to hang up your schooling whip and swap it for a bow? Join Morindoo tour guide, Katy Willings as she opens our eyes to the World Nomad Games. Might you be inspired to give alternative equestrian sport a go?
The miracle of motion
Get ready for equine anatomy as you’ve never seen it before. Gillian Higgins, founder of Horses Inside Out, talks motion, Muybridge and her magnum opus
2 TO WIN! Safe and stylish Two lucky
In the saddle
Poles to solve your problems
Straighten up with Jay Halim
While there’s no single quality that’ll guarantee you a clear round, there’s one that’s sure to increase your odds. Its name? Straightness, of course
Maximising your movements
part three
Transferable skills
The trouble with doubles
When approaching a combination, do you find yourself kicking on and hoping for the best? Take guesswork out of the equation with Tina Fletcher’s tips 
Mind matters
A friend in need
Mental health may, thankfully, be easier to talk
think well & move well
Ever wondered how top riders maintain their mental wellbeing and how it might help you? Leonie Lightfoot and Jane Holden, from British Equestrian’s Perform Well programme, reveal all
Ask a vet
Growing pains
Your horse’s body has undergone a lot of change since he was born, but how does his skeleton cope with this rapid rate of growth? Vet Jane King explains all
VET’S GUIDE Vaccinations
Confused by the different vaccinations available and wondering what your horse really needs? Vet Ben Gaskell shares all you need to know
Ask the experts
Q&A Management know-how
Our experts Serena Kidd is National Equestrian Business
Q & A Mind matters
Our experts Debbie Busby MSc is an equine
Q & A Veterinary matters
Our experts Vicky Grove BVSc MRCVS studied at
Q & A Horsey shopping
Our expert Kay Hastilow is a Master Saddler
Q & A In brief
Our expert Jo Winfield is a General Fellow
Management know-how
Minimum time, maximum impact
Make the most of your lunge sessions by keeping them short, sweet and successful. Fizz Marshall’s exercises will help get you started
Park and ride
Taking a break from going out and about in the coldest months? Use this golden opportunity to give your transport a spruce-up ahead of the new season with our essential guide
Stepping stones
Curious as to whether further education might be the right path for you? Take a look at these success stories to help you make the right decision to secure your future
A bit on the side
Befuddled by bitting? Narrow down the search for the perfect action by getting to grips with the most commonly-used cheekpieces on the market
Horsey shopping
Gut vibrations
Hat tricks
Overreach boots
These bell-shaped protective boots come in all shapes, sizes and colours
This month we love
Take a look at some of our favourite horsey products
Imagine life in your ideal equestrian property with our selection
horses for sale
The UK’s best FREE horsey marketplace
H&R homework
Big on schooling but short on time? This fun exercise will last you all week