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International Construction Magazine July-August 2017 Zurück Ausgabe

1 Bewertungen   •  English   •   Trade & Professional (Construction)
Toshiba agrees aid for nuclear plant in the US...Volvo’s CE boss Martin Wesissburg steps down...megaport construction begins in Panama...UltraTech completes the acquisition of Jaypee Cement in India...

As all sectors of its construction market continue to grow, China is nonentheless facing an eye-watering $25 trillion debt, as Scott Hazelton reports.

The Asia-Pacific region is all about growth, in terms of both its respective economies - which are currently demonstrating world-beating growth - and its infrastructure projects, as Mike Hayes reports.

iC TOP 200
The Chinese giants continue to dominate the top positions in terms of revenues, while Japanese and South Korean firms both see impressive growth.

Looking at some of the latest equipment developments, Thomas Allen discovers that the versatility of excavators seems to be almost boundless.

Katherine Weir talks to contractors and equipment manufacturers about the part they have to play in the growth of sustainable energy.

Santanu Das, senior vice president of design modelling at Bentley Systemsts, talks to iC about the company’s latest BIM modelling tool.

With the global construction equipment market picking up and used equipment sales expected to follow suit, Thomas Allen finds out that a lot of the action is set to take place online.

Excavators currently account for more than half of worldwide demand for construction equipment.
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International Construction

July-August 2017 WORLD NEWS Toshiba agrees aid for nuclear plant in the US...Volvo’s CE boss Martin Wesissburg steps down...megaport construction begins in Panama...UltraTech completes the acquisition of Jaypee Cement in India... ECONOMIC OUTLOOK As all sectors of its construction market continue to grow, China is nonentheless facing an eye-watering $25 trillion debt, as Scott Hazelton reports. REGIONAL REPORT The Asia-Pacific region is all about growth, in terms of both its respective economies - which are currently demonstrating world-beating growth - and its infrastructure projects, as Mike Hayes reports. iC TOP 200 The Chinese giants continue to dominate the top positions in terms of revenues, while Japanese and South Korean firms both see impressive growth. EXCAVATORS Looking at some of the latest equipment developments, Thomas Allen discovers that the versatility of excavators seems to be almost boundless. ENERGY PROJECTS Katherine Weir talks to contractors and equipment manufacturers about the part they have to play in the growth of sustainable energy. INTERVIEW Santanu Das, senior vice president of design modelling at Bentley Systemsts, talks to iC about the company’s latest BIM modelling tool. AUCTIONS AND USED EQUIPMENT With the global construction equipment market picking up and used equipment sales expected to follow suit, Thomas Allen finds out that a lot of the action is set to take place online. OFF-HIGHWAY RESEARCH Excavators currently account for more than half of worldwide demand for construction equipment.

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Issue Cover

International Construction  |  July-August 2017  

Toshiba agrees aid for nuclear plant in the US...Volvo’s CE boss Martin Wesissburg steps down...megaport construction begins in Panama...UltraTech completes the acquisition of Jaypee Cement in India...

As all sectors of its construction market continue to grow, China is nonentheless facing an eye-watering $25 trillion debt, as Scott Hazelton reports.

The Asia-Pacific region is all about growth, in terms of both its respective economies - which are currently demonstrating world-beating growth - and its infrastructure projects, as Mike Hayes reports.

iC TOP 200
The Chinese giants continue to dominate the top positions in terms of revenues, while Japanese and South Korean firms both see impressive growth.

Looking at some of the latest equipment developments, Thomas Allen discovers that the versatility of excavators seems to be almost boundless.

Katherine Weir talks to contractors and equipment manufacturers about the part they have to play in the growth of sustainable energy.

Santanu Das, senior vice president of design modelling at Bentley Systemsts, talks to iC about the company’s latest BIM modelling tool.

With the global construction equipment market picking up and used equipment sales expected to follow suit, Thomas Allen finds out that a lot of the action is set to take place online.

Excavators currently account for more than half of worldwide demand for construction equipment.
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