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International Construction Magazine June 2016 Zurück Ausgabe

1 Bewertungen   •  English   •   Trade & Professional (Construction)
Terex Zoomlion deal terminated... Water deal for Doosan in Kuwait... US exports still in decline... And two on trail after alleged CAN$ 24 million fraud against Atlas Copco...

Save the dates for the APEX 2017 show in Amsterdam, Holland, as the aerial platform exhibition returns for its ninth edition. The show will take place between 2 and 4 May, 2017.

With its pavers selling well in Japan, Sumitomo travelled to Bauma to showcase its new HA90-2 paver to the European market. Mike Hayes caught up with the company’s managing director Ichihiro Shimada to
discuss current and future plans.

In terms of its overall growth, the Asia-Pacific region is leaving the rest of the world in its wake. Yet, on a country-by-country basis, many challenges lie ahead, as Scott Hazelton reports.

Infrastructure, connectivity and power are heating up construction markets across the Asia-Pacific region, as Mike Hayes reports.

New machines have come onto the market, their primary aim to make the roadbuilding process faster and more efficient. iC takes a look at the roadbuilding sector’s latest innovations.

Manufacturers across the globe continue to enhance their portfolio of excavators with improvements in all areas. Joe Malone looks at some of the latest products on the market.

Foundations can be a most challenging aspect of construction, especially with increasing pressures to keep costs down. Difficult ground conditions are, however, becoming easier to handle, due to machine advance, as Joe Malone reports.

Avant Tecno launches the e5 – a fully electric battery-powered loader concept, Doosan Bobcat EMEA introduces DL220-5 wheeled loader, Atlas
Copco launches the 8 Series, a range of 10 new air compressors, and JCB gives customers ‘the answer’.
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International Construction

June 2016 WORLD NEWS Terex Zoomlion deal terminated... Water deal for Doosan in Kuwait... US exports still in decline... And two on trail after alleged CAN$ 24 million fraud against Atlas Copco... WWW.KHL.COM Save the dates for the APEX 2017 show in Amsterdam, Holland, as the aerial platform exhibition returns for its ninth edition. The show will take place between 2 and 4 May, 2017. INTERVIEW With its pavers selling well in Japan, Sumitomo travelled to Bauma to showcase its new HA90-2 paver to the European market. Mike Hayes caught up with the company’s managing director Ichihiro Shimada to discuss current and future plans. ECONOMIC OUTLOOK In terms of its overall growth, the Asia-Pacific region is leaving the rest of the world in its wake. Yet, on a country-by-country basis, many challenges lie ahead, as Scott Hazelton reports. REGIONAL REPORT Infrastructure, connectivity and power are heating up construction markets across the Asia-Pacific region, as Mike Hayes reports. ROADBUILDING New machines have come onto the market, their primary aim to make the roadbuilding process faster and more efficient. iC takes a look at the roadbuilding sector’s latest innovations. EXCAVATORS Manufacturers across the globe continue to enhance their portfolio of excavators with improvements in all areas. Joe Malone looks at some of the latest products on the market. FOUNDATIONS Foundations can be a most challenging aspect of construction, especially with increasing pressures to keep costs down. Difficult ground conditions are, however, becoming easier to handle, due to machine advance, as Joe Malone reports. EQUIPMENT Avant Tecno launches the e5 – a fully electric battery-powered loader concept, Doosan Bobcat EMEA introduces DL220-5 wheeled loader, Atlas Copco launches the 8 Series, a range of 10 new air compressors, and JCB gives customers ‘the answer’.

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Issue Cover

International Construction  |  June 2016  

Terex Zoomlion deal terminated... Water deal for Doosan in Kuwait... US exports still in decline... And two on trail after alleged CAN$ 24 million fraud against Atlas Copco...

Save the dates for the APEX 2017 show in Amsterdam, Holland, as the aerial platform exhibition returns for its ninth edition. The show will take place between 2 and 4 May, 2017.

With its pavers selling well in Japan, Sumitomo travelled to Bauma to showcase its new HA90-2 paver to the European market. Mike Hayes caught up with the company’s managing director Ichihiro Shimada to
discuss current and future plans.

In terms of its overall growth, the Asia-Pacific region is leaving the rest of the world in its wake. Yet, on a country-by-country basis, many challenges lie ahead, as Scott Hazelton reports.

Infrastructure, connectivity and power are heating up construction markets across the Asia-Pacific region, as Mike Hayes reports.

New machines have come onto the market, their primary aim to make the roadbuilding process faster and more efficient. iC takes a look at the roadbuilding sector’s latest innovations.

Manufacturers across the globe continue to enhance their portfolio of excavators with improvements in all areas. Joe Malone looks at some of the latest products on the market.

Foundations can be a most challenging aspect of construction, especially with increasing pressures to keep costs down. Difficult ground conditions are, however, becoming easier to handle, due to machine advance, as Joe Malone reports.

Avant Tecno launches the e5 – a fully electric battery-powered loader concept, Doosan Bobcat EMEA introduces DL220-5 wheeled loader, Atlas
Copco launches the 8 Series, a range of 10 new air compressors, and JCB gives customers ‘the answer’.
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