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10 years of iPad


When Apple unveiled iPad in January 2010, skeptics scoffed. It was just a giant iPod touch, they said. In a way, sure, it was — but it was also a wondrous breakthrough device that became category–defining.

At the launch, Steve Jobs sat back in an armchair and demonstrated how iPad was great for reading books, watching movies, and browsing the internet. It’s now at the heart of our always–connected lives — it’s how we stay up-to-date with the news, stream music and content of all kinds on demand, keep up with social media and myriad forms of messaging, and control our increasingly smart homes.

So let’s take a look at the evolution of iPad over the decade, its highs and lows, and what may be next for Apple’s revolutionary post–PC device.

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Digitale Einzelausgabe Issue 63
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