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MajorBloodnok, Agony Aunt

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iScot Magazine
November/December 2018

Andere Artikel in dieser Ausgabe

Voice from Europe
Alyn Smith is one of Scotland’s six Members of the European Parliament. He is a member of the European Parliament’s Foreign Affairs Committee.
The Dinwoodie Interview
SUSAN Aitken has come a long way in the 30 years since
As Welcome as a Fart in a Spacesuit
“As an Anglophile,” said Billy Connolly when asked
The road to independence runs through Holyrood
Here’s something that actually happened, but that may
Body language
Sometimes you just know. Sometimes you can just tell.
St Andrews Fair Day Saturday
Bringing you the alternative new in Orkney
Talking Tech
This month’s featured bit of tech which gives audible
Arabian Knights
By dint of great courage in mid-1965 a young Scots
Foodbanks are not normal
Foodbanks? 10 years or so ago, how many of us had heard
MEASLES And The Risks of Rash Decisions
Measles has been described by one author as “an inevitable
As old as the hills
James Hutton, the Scottish Enlightenment and the North West Highlands Geopark
A Welcome Tae Edinburgh!
As the Festival crowded Edinburgh, on the 24th August
From Glorious Broth To Gracious Haggis
I will never forget my first trip to Scotland. It was
The thistle and the shamrock
This month we take a look at Billy Kay’s contribution
London’s big, but Biggar’s Biggar!
HOW far do you have to travel to have a proper stay
The Language of Economics
I wo uld like to start this article with an apology.
Better the Devil you Know
….and so, once again, on a Friday, we made our way
Football Round-Up Late Extra!
Back in the August issue, iScot Magazine brought you
The Unseen Horrors of Gaza
A shocking report published in the BMJ this summer
Scotland leads the way a personal view from Australia
The Scottish Government doesn’t get everything right
Wee Ginger Dug
Coming soon in early 2019 a new book about my time
A Vigil Sky
Paul Colvin was invited to craft a poem to be read out on a night vigil held on the 17th September at Culloden Moor battlefield.
As Ithers See Us: Robert the Bruce in Cinema
Scotland ‘s history has been a fixture of cinema since
The Kitchen
The winter of discontent was the catalyst for a change
Well, ye kin imagine that it didny take long for young
It took me most of the day to get to Wenbury Junction
Inside the Raj: Crime and Politics in British India
Alex J. Craig reviews Smoke and Ashes by Abir Mukherjee
Letters & Pics
Got a picture with a special memory for you? It might
The Big Yin
Find the clues in the ‘black squares’. The arrows tell