League Express  |  3323
Inside this week's issue:
News from across every club in the Super League, Championship and League One.
Reports from the latest games in the Challenge Cup, Championship, League One and the NRL.
Editor Martyn Sadler has a suggestion on how to increase crowds for the Challenge Cup.
Garry Schofield argues that England coach Shaun Wane should try to persuade St Helens skipper James Roby to change his mind about his international retirement.
News, results and comment from the NCL and grassroots scene.
All the latest from the Women's game.
A tribute to a Hunslet icon, Geoff Gunney.
Our latest Rugby League Heroes Q & A features John Cogger, the Aussie who loves Oldham.
League Express readers have their say in another lively Mailbag.
Plus much more, as always.
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