Legion  |  January/February 2016
“For a long time, historians thought the original Caribou Hill was inaccessible,” historian Frank Gogos told a delegation from Newfoundland visiting Turkey last September. The hill was a battlefield position taken and reinforced by the Newfoundland Regiment in 1915, and was christened Caribou Hill after the emblem on the regiment’s badge. “The regiment left Gallipoli and no markers remained to say where it was.” But Gogos has determined that one of the roads in today’s Gallipoli Peninsula Historical National Park intersects with the hill. The discovery of the famed Caribou Hill was a highlight the pilgrimage, a century after the first overseas engagement for the regiment, deployed with 29th Division in Britain’s failed attack on the strategic Gallipoli Peninsula in the Ottoman Empire (today’s Turkey). Tom MacGregor’s story of the pilgrimage leads off the January/February 2016 issue.
Also in the issue:
• The first air war at sea: In the First World War, flying machines were thrust into battle over the ocean
• Watching Syria die: Three of the smartest minds we could find weigh in on the crisis in Syria and Iraq
• The bomb girls of Ajax: Canada’s largest munitions factory was staffed mostly by women
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