Making Cards & Papercraft  |  November 2015
I honestly don’t know where to start telling you what is in this edition. It was a real struggle trying to decide what to include on the cover, every project is worthy of that star position. Over the page you will find cards made with vellum features, burnished with foil, special tricks with acetate, amazing colouring, brand new products, decoupage and so much more!
On top of this we’ve teamed up with the wonderful Joanna Sheen who has kindly let us share some of the artwork from her Christmas in Holly Pond Hill CD Rom as our free craft papers this month. These adorable illustrations are simply stunning and if you fancy the full collection Making Cards is lucky enough to be able to provide you with a special reader offer. Turn to page 49 to find out how to take advance of purchasing the CD at a discounted rate.
There are some fantastic prizes up for offer this month! Hobby Art have kindly put together sets of festive stamps, we have 25 of Blade Rubber Stamps’ Merry Christmas stamps to be won and Polkadoodles have donated 10 of the new Frosted Winter Octavia CD Rom as used by Kitty in her project on page 56! If that wasn’t enough Glue Dots feature in our HUGE competition offering an amazing amount of their new products!
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There’s no sentiment sweeter than a homemade card and Making Cards & Papercraft magazine is here to help spread the love. Whether you’re creating personal cards to give to family and friends or looking to create gorgeous card packs to sell, Making Cards & Papercraft magazine is just the bi-monthly read you need to ensure you’re making the best cards possible.
With every single issue packed full of step-by-step card projects created by a dedicated team of highly talented craftspeople, your card making capabilities are set to soar!
What’s more, each issue includes competitions galore, friendly interviews, news from celebrity crafters and reader letters.
Get creative every month and improve your papercraft skills with a subscription to Making Cards & Papercraft magazine.
With a subscription to Making Cards & Papercraft magazine, you can enjoy:
- Step-by-step guides to creating stunning cards for family and friends, or to sell
- An inspiring bi-monthly read to bring out the creative streak in you
- Stunning photography and insightful articles to get the most from your hobby
- Competitions, interesting interviews, news from celebrity crafters and more
- Top tips and handy hints for creating impressive cards from a highly talented team of contributors
- Every issue delivered to your device before it hits the shops
- A discount off the RRP of your magazine
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