Master Detective  |  Master Detective May 2021
MD has a fresh new look this issue as Master Detective’s CRIME CASEBOOK. Here’s what you’ll find inside:
Ashley Humphrey had married on Independence Day 2003, and now, the day after, she was sitting in a Florida car park, disguised as a black man, with a .22 Ruger in her hand. Her intended victim was Sandee Rozzo – her new husband’s ex-girlfriend. For Ashley was prepared to do anything to make her marriage work. See this issue’s MD Forum – “Honeymoon Horror...Why Ashley Dressed To Kill” for the full story.
The case of Edith Thompson and her young lover Frederick Bywaters became a cause célébre in the early 1920s, following the murder of Edith’s husband Percy by Bywaters in Ilford in October 1922. Was her execution really justice? Decide for yourself after reading “Women On The Gallows – No Matter Who Killed her Husband, Edith Had To Die”.
Finally to Coleraine and one of the most shocking cases in Northern Irish history. We call this story “The Man Tried Four Times For Murder”.
Highlights this issue include:
* Tinder Girl Dismembered By Sex Master And Slave
* European Crime Report: “Hospital Bed Shortage? ‘Dr. Death Has The Answer,’” “‘You’re Fired’...So He Fired Back – Killing Three HR Staff,” “Was Hotel Room Death Caused By Sex Game?” “Killer Cut Off Victim’s Thumb To Access Her Bank Account”
* Women On The Gallows: No Matter Who Killed Her Husband, Edith Had To Die
* Professor’s Savage Killer Caught After Seven Years
* How Did They Dodge The Hangman’s Noose?
* Pasadena’s Horrific Hammer Murder
* A Golden Age...For Murder: “I Cut Her Throat To Save Her From Prostitution”
* The Man Tried Four Times For Murder
* MD Forum: Honeymoon Horror...Why Ashley Dressed To Kill
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