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MCN Magazine 30th November 2016 Zurück Ausgabe

25 Bewertungen   •  English   •   Aviation & Transport (Motorcycles)
Only €2,49
Guy Martin returned to bikesport at the weekend when he travelled to New Zealand’s South Island to race his monster Martek turbo charged Suzuki GSX-R1100in the 11th annual Burt Munro Challenge, a multi-event rally that attracts riders and racers from all over the country. The Lincolnshire rider, who missed this year’s TT and hasn’t raced competitively since his crash at the 2015 Ulster Grand Prix, enthralled spectators in the sprint event on his self-built Suzuki, even with the Martek’s boost turned down to ‘just’ 260bhp. Local rider, John Beck, who helped Guy during the week and got to take the Martek out, said: “That thing is just the right amount of angry.”
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30th November 2016 GUY RIDES AGAIN Guy Martin returned to bikesport at the weekend when he travelled to New Zealand’s South Island to race his monster Martek turbo charged Suzuki GSX-R1100in the 11th annual Burt Munro Challenge, a multi-event rally that attracts riders and racers from all over the country. The Lincolnshire rider, who missed this year’s TT and hasn’t raced competitively since his crash at the 2015 Ulster Grand Prix, enthralled spectators in the sprint event on his self-built Suzuki, even with the Martek’s boost turned down to ‘just’ 260bhp. Local rider, John Beck, who helped Guy during the week and got to take the Martek out, said: “That thing is just the right amount of angry.”

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Issue Cover

MCN  |  30th November 2016  

Guy Martin returned to bikesport at the weekend when he travelled to New Zealand’s South Island to race his monster Martek turbo charged Suzuki GSX-R1100in the 11th annual Burt Munro Challenge, a multi-event rally that attracts riders and racers from all over the country. The Lincolnshire rider, who missed this year’s TT and hasn’t raced competitively since his crash at the 2015 Ulster Grand Prix, enthralled spectators in the sprint event on his self-built Suzuki, even with the Martek’s boost turned down to ‘just’ 260bhp. Local rider, John Beck, who helped Guy during the week and got to take the Martek out, said: “That thing is just the right amount of angry.”
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Great Mag Überprüft 19 August 2020

great mag

great weekly biker mag Überprüft 07 Juli 2019

The old stalwart

MCN is heavily weighted for motorcycle sport. GP, Motocross, trials etc with more adverts than you can shake the proverbial stick at. I do not know how many contributors they are but it must be hundreds. There is a good reason to buy the digital version as the paper is usually so thick many trees must have died. The reviews are always spot on. I hope it goes on for many more years. Überprüft 27 April 2019

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