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An airbrush is a major investment and an essential piece of kit for any serious hobbyist. Caring properly for your airbrush and ensuring that it is properly maintained is key part of learning how to use this tool.

The Iwata Airbrush Cleaning Kit (ref. CL100-A1) has been updated and includes the same great tools that Iwata Technicians use to clean and restore airbrushes to perfect working conditioning. These unique tools and expert instructions, contained in a handy and sturdy plastic container, will guide you through cleaning and maintaining any style of airbrush. Each kit contains a range of essential items, including Medea Airbrush Cleaner -highly concentrated and readyto-use for airbrushes and most surfaces; Medea Thread Sealer -just a few dabs applied to the nozzle, head and air cap threads will ensure an airtight seal and keep airbrushes spraying great; Extra Small Cleaning Brushes -for the tiniest openings and crevices of your airbrush; Cleaning Brush –a stiff-bristled brush for cleaning your airbrush cup; Pipe Cleaners -with non-shedding fibres; Iwata Nozzle Wrench – allows you to easily remove your nozzle without damage; Iwata LED Magnifier -see parts up close at 30x/60x with white and blue LED lights; Iwata Premium Airbrush Lubricant -a small drop keeps your airbrush parts moving smoothly. The kit also contains fully illustrated cleaning instructions, providing a step-by-step process to leave your airbrush clean and pristine. I use this kit for my Iwata airbrush and can’t recommend it highly enough. It’s available from the Airbrush Company (www.airbrushes. com).

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April 2022

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