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MLI Plus Magazine British Railways: The Privatisation Years Sonderausgabe

89 Bewertungen   •  English   •   Aviation & Transport (Rail)
Britain’s railways have undergone huge fundamental changes, twice. The first when nationalised after World War Two, and again in the 1990s when they were re-privatised. The latter saw numerous small companies established to run the trains and the larger Railtrack to oversee infrastructure. This publication examines Train Operating Companies that have come and gone, the rolling stock revolution, freight evolution, and the successes and failures of privatisation. Many companies have disappeared, while some have been taken back into public ownership. This special from the Modern Railways stable tells the story in detail and looks at how the railways will soon change again to be renamed Great British Railways.
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MLI Plus

British Railways: The Privatisation Years Britain’s railways have undergone huge fundamental changes, twice. The first when nationalised after World War Two, and again in the 1990s when they were re-privatised. The latter saw numerous small companies established to run the trains and the larger Railtrack to oversee infrastructure. This publication examines Train Operating Companies that have come and gone, the rolling stock revolution, freight evolution, and the successes and failures of privatisation. Many companies have disappeared, while some have been taken back into public ownership. This special from the Modern Railways stable tells the story in detail and looks at how the railways will soon change again to be renamed Great British Railways.

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Issue Cover

MLI Plus  |  British Railways: The Privatisation Years  

Britain’s railways have undergone huge fundamental changes, twice. The first when nationalised after World War Two, and again in the 1990s when they were re-privatised. The latter saw numerous small companies established to run the trains and the larger Railtrack to oversee infrastructure. This publication examines Train Operating Companies that have come and gone, the rolling stock revolution, freight evolution, and the successes and failures of privatisation. Many companies have disappeared, while some have been taken back into public ownership. This special from the Modern Railways stable tells the story in detail and looks at how the railways will soon change again to be renamed Great British Railways.
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With the technical follower in mind each issue has a very thorough technical review of the design and the equipment used, with large technical detail lists of measurements, weights and capacities. In addition full numeric detailed illustrations of the class under review are included showing the items of equipment and equipment positions, with specially selected material to show as many differences as possible.

With the modeller in mind who use the series for super detailing their models, details of liveries and design changes as well as select illustrations are used to show in as much detail as possible the different part of the loco or train. Drawings, reproduced in both ‘N’ and ‘OO’ gauge are included, to assist model rail enthusiasts.

Regular features include:

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Basierend auf 89 Kundenrezensionen
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MLI Plus

Informative, detailed with excellent imagery. Good design layout makes it a joy to read. Überprüft 04 November 2021

Best Railway Fanatics Mag

Best Railway Fanatics Mag Überprüft 04 Oktober 2018

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