MLI Plus | Issue 229
Over the last 30 years the ‘91s’ have become very popular with enthusiasts and photographers, with the class progressing from the BR InterCity ‘Swallow’ days into privatisation, with operations under the Great North Eastern Railway, National Express and Directly Operated Railways before, in their declining years, operated by Virgin East Coast.
In the next couple of years the East Coast ‘modern’ racehorses will be replaced by a new generation of Class 800 and 801 Hitachi AT300 trains. Life still exists in the Class 91 fleet and many of the 31 locos and Mk4 sets are expected to transfer to new operators.
In recent years the advance of vinyl graphics, applied to the entire body profile of the Class 91s, has changed the livery game, with several locos now sporting very impressive pictogram liveries.
I hope you enjoy browsing through this issue of MLI, covering yet another part of our modern railway history.
Colin J. Marsden, Editor
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