Mountain Bike Rider  |  Summer 2016
If throwing a leg over a bike and heading out on a ride is our escape from the mundane, then riding bikes in remote places is the icing on the cake. True, this kind of commitment isn’t for everyone these trips throw a heap of different pressures and stresses at you but the shift in pace and enforced refocus towards the simpler things in life can become a drug. Being in places that raise questions like ‘where do we sleep?’ ‘Is this edible?’ ‘Can I fix my crank with a bit of wood and a zip-tie?’ Delivers rewards that can be enlightening, even to those that don’t already list tofu and downward-dogs in their daily routine. Remote locations are about experiences as much as the riding itself. It’s the unknown ahead, the true sense of adventure and the opportunity to learn both about somewhere new and about yourself that lures riders to these places. No internet, no iPhone Snapchat, no distractions; just you, the bike and a wild place to ride.
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• Ein Rabatt auf den UVP Ihrer Zeitschrift
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