Multihull World  |  Multihull World #111
In this special edition of Multihull World we combine both the sail and power aspects of all things
multihull, we felt it necessary until such time that it becomes, once again, feasible to produce two
separate magazines. In doing so, we believe we have created a very interesting, and versatile
Our cover story this time is MEC Yachts, who have produced a luxurious 20m motor yacht, with
the stunning lighting provided by Marine LED Solutions Australia. Aideen Henry contributes a very
interesting article on sailing downwind with the aid of a modified round parachute which are
available from SailChutes Australia and of course there is the usual selection of race reports,
launchings and secondhand boats for sale.
By the time this mag hits the shelves the Gold Coast City Marina would have held their inaugural
Marine Expo and we look forward to reporting on this in the next issue.
Stay safe on the water and enjoy the read... Wisdom doesn’t necessarily come with age.
Sometimes age just shows up all by itself. – Tom Wilson
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Artikel in dieser Ausgabe
Im Folgenden finden Sie eine Auswahl von Artikeln aus Multihull World Multihull World #111.