Muscle Insider Magazine  |  Issue 47
Get a lean, hard body this summer with the latest issue of MUSCLE INSIDER.
Our new issue is crammed full of the training, fat loss, health and nutritional information you need to aid you quest to fulfill your physique goals. Here is just some of what issue 47 of MUSCLE INSIDER has to offer:
• Forge bigger arms with our all-cable guns workout with Logan Franklin
• How to train your abs to get your best 6-pack for summer
• Burn more blubber with our circuit training blitz
• Build muscle without meat? Yes you can! Top vegan options for athletes
• Rating the best in cardio equipment in the gym and how to get the most out of it
• Exclusive interviews with our cover models—Edgard John-Augustin (aka the Bionic Body) and social media sensation Cass Martin
• 11 Fat-fighting foods for you
We have all this plus a whole lot more top-quality, science-backed advice for you in our new issue.
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Artikel in dieser Ausgabe
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