My Weekly  |  11/02/2023
My Weekly - Issue 5661
Back on TV with the BBC’s 'Sort Your Life Out', nation’s sweetheart Stacey Solomon proves yet again there’s nothing she can’t do, and we're getting to know Parminder Nagra, as the 'ER' star tells us about her new TV medic role in 'Maternal', her fond memories of 'Bend It Like Beckham', and being a mum. We have 'Unexpected Delivery', a fun story of dating and dilemmas from bestselling author Lucy Diamond. It’s one of five great stories in this issue. We have some lovely gift ideas for Valentine’s Day, some easy ways to improve your tummy health in just 24 hours, and we discover the interior designers’ tricks for mixing patterns to create a leaner, more modern floral decor scheme...
Plus we've more celebrities, recipes, fiction, features, beauty, fashions, health, and much more.
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