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Nexus Magazine Feb-Mar 2017 Zurück Ausgabe

26 Bewertungen   •  English   •   General Interest (News & Current Affairs)
Only €6,99
The West vs Putin: an inside view;
Wi-Fi, cellphones and DNA damage;
Vanished races of the Americas;
Is Epstein–Barr virus a cause of mystery illnesses?;
Ancient Ethiopians and the Naga Empire;
Air Force whistleblower; on ET war in Greenland;
Rhythm of breathing affects our emotions and memory function;
Global News; Science News; Strange Times and more.
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Nexus Magazine

Feb-Mar 2017 The West vs Putin: an inside view; Wi-Fi, cellphones and DNA damage; Vanished races of the Americas; Is Epstein–Barr virus a cause of mystery illnesses?; Ancient Ethiopians and the Naga Empire; Air Force whistleblower; on ET war in Greenland; Rhythm of breathing affects our emotions and memory function; Global News; Science News; Strange Times and more.

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Issue Cover

Nexus Magazine  |  Feb-Mar 2017  

The West vs Putin: an inside view;
Wi-Fi, cellphones and DNA damage;
Vanished races of the Americas;
Is Epstein–Barr virus a cause of mystery illnesses?;
Ancient Ethiopians and the Naga Empire;
Air Force whistleblower; on ET war in Greenland;
Rhythm of breathing affects our emotions and memory function;
Global News; Science News; Strange Times and more.
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NEXUS is an international, bi-monthly, alternative news magazine covering health breakthroughs, future science and technology, suppressed news, free energy, religious revisionism, conspiracy, the environment, history and ancient mysteries, the mind, UFOs, paranormal and the unexplained. NEXUS Magazine is not affiliated with any political, religious or spiritual groups or organisations whatsoever, and has been published since 1986. The magazine is on sale in shops across Australia, New Zealand, UK, France, Italy, Holland, Greece, Poland, Croatia, Japan, Romania, Serbia and Russia.

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Nexus Magazine

great to investigate opposing theories but the one on viruses ignores the fact that although the illness is an energy failure that then allows a virus to replicate it does not provide a reason for the obvious human to human infection from the bubonic plaque to Covid19. So please keep investigating energy cycles Überprüft 04 Oktober 2020

Nexus Magazine

It's not afraid to put forward the truth Überprüft 31 März 2020

This is the greatest! Just like the real mag. Überprüft 11 August 2012

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