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OK! Magazine

51 Ausgaben pro Jahr   |  English
1 Bewertungen   •  English   •   Women's Interest (Celebrity)
From €0,61 pro Ausgabe

OK! Magazine is the leading lifestyle glossy that’s always first for celebrity news. Never far from the lips of the rich and famous, OK! Magazine combines A-list interviews, exclusive royal photos, juicy gossip and the very latest celeb-inspired fashion and beauty trends you’ll want to try out for yourself!

With historic covers celebrating unforgettable weddings from that of celeb royalty, Katie Price and Peter Andre, to that of actual royalty, Prince William and Kate Middleton, as well as heartbreaking tribute covers including a sad farewell to Princess Diana in 1997 - an OK! digital magazine subscription delivers future iconic moments straight to your device.

Join the tens of thousands of readers in the know today with an OK! digital magazine subscription and enjoy every issue delivered directly to your device.

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OK! Magazine

1480 In this issue of OK! Magazine, Una Healy opens up about the heartbreak of divorce and her hopes for a brighter future. Dive into her journey as a single mom, plus Davina McCall’s emotional letter to her kids before surgery. Also, discover heartfelt insights from Ranvir Singh on love, alongside glamorous features on fashion, beauty, and the latest from the Grammys.

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Jährlich Digitales Abonnement €30,99 jährlich abgerechnet
€0,61 / Ausgabe
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Die Ersparnisse werden auf der Grundlage eines vergleichbaren Kaufs von Einzelausgaben über einen annualisierten Abonnementzeitraum berechnet und können von den angegebenen Beträgen abweichen. Die Berechnungen dienen nur zu Illustrationszwecken. Digitale Abonnements beinhalten die letzte Ausgabe und alle regulären Ausgaben, die während Ihres Abonnements erscheinen, sofern nicht anders angegeben. Das von Ihnen gewählte Abonnement verlängert sich automatisch, wenn es nicht bis zu 24 Stunden vor Ablauf des laufenden Abonnements im Bereich Mein Konto gekündigt wird.

Issue Cover

OK! Magazine  |  1480  

In this issue of OK! Magazine, Una Healy opens up about the heartbreak of divorce and her hopes for a brighter future. Dive into her journey as a single mom, plus Davina McCall’s emotional letter to her kids before surgery. Also, discover heartfelt insights from Ranvir Singh on love, alongside glamorous features on fashion, beauty, and the latest from the Grammys.
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OK! Magazine is famed for its unrivalled coverage of the most famous of famous names. Originally launched in April 1997, it’s the ultimate coffee-table conversation starter or simply a weekly opportunity to catch up with all your celebrity friends. 

Fast forward almost 25 years and OK! Magazine is the world's biggest celebrity lifestyle magazine, with more than 30 million readers worldwide, and now appears in 20 countries. Whether they’re fighting to break their personal news on its iconic front cover or dreading the news they’d rather keep private appearing within its pages - OK! Magazine is the weekly that gets celebrities talking.

Offering a whole hoard of unmissable weekly features including recipes, travel and advice - there’s plenty more than just getting you up close and personal with the famous faces you want to hear more from. 

Whether you’re desperate to hear more about Ben Affleck and Jennifer Lopez’s love match, get warm and fuzzy feelings from Joe Swash, Stacey Solomon and their growing brood or just can’t get enough of The Queen - you’ll find all the biggest names and news in your weekly digital version of OK! Magazine - download the latest magazine to your phone, tablet or PC and catch up today!

An OK! digital magazine subscription is a must for readers who want to be in the know and can look forward to:

  • The world’s biggest celebrity lifestyle magazine
  • Exclusive access to the biggest events on the A-list’s calendar
  • The hottest gossip, breaking news and rumours in star-studded columns
  • Never-before-seen celeb photos
  • Interviews with Hollywood and home-grown stars
  • Regular features on recipes, travel, fashion and beauty
  • Delivered direct to your device every month

Sie erhalten 51 Ausgaben während eines 1-Jahres OK! Magazine Zeitschriftenabonnement.

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