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Old Bike Mart Magazine 420 - June 2020 Zurück Ausgabe

54 Bewertungen   •  English   •   Aviation & Transport (Motorcycles)
Only €4,99
So, are we allowed out yet?

At the time of writing (May 27), it is still something of a moot point, as we are seemingly allowed to travel any distance in order to get some exercise (albeit only within the confines of England, as Scotland and Wales are, at this point, still ‘locked-down’), yet travelling simply for the joy of travel seems to be frowned upon, regardless of the fact that the joy of the journey is the main reason why we like motorcycles, especially classic ones.

Of course, the situation may have changed – in either direction – by the time this magazine has made it to your front door, but whatever the case, we can still rest easy knowing that riding a motorcycle (classic or otherwise) is perhaps the safest form of transport as far as any kind of socially spread disease is concerned.

As motorcyclists, we tend to travel alone, or with a loved one or close family member, and we wear protective equipment in the form of face and eye protection and hand coverage pretty much at all times.

And then there’s all the benefits that riding a bike has in terms of trafficbusting, economy and – perhaps the most important of all, yet often the last to be mentioned – the mental health benefits of riding a bike. And that last factor must surely be of huge importance, given the statements made by health professionals about the increase in mental health issues due to the Covid-19 lockdown…
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Old Bike Mart

420 - June 2020 So, are we allowed out yet? At the time of writing (May 27), it is still something of a moot point, as we are seemingly allowed to travel any distance in order to get some exercise (albeit only within the confines of England, as Scotland and Wales are, at this point, still ‘locked-down’), yet travelling simply for the joy of travel seems to be frowned upon, regardless of the fact that the joy of the journey is the main reason why we like motorcycles, especially classic ones. Of course, the situation may have changed – in either direction – by the time this magazine has made it to your front door, but whatever the case, we can still rest easy knowing that riding a motorcycle (classic or otherwise) is perhaps the safest form of transport as far as any kind of socially spread disease is concerned. As motorcyclists, we tend to travel alone, or with a loved one or close family member, and we wear protective equipment in the form of face and eye protection and hand coverage pretty much at all times. And then there’s all the benefits that riding a bike has in terms of trafficbusting, economy and – perhaps the most important of all, yet often the last to be mentioned – the mental health benefits of riding a bike. And that last factor must surely be of huge importance, given the statements made by health professionals about the increase in mental health issues due to the Covid-19 lockdown…

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Issue Cover

Old Bike Mart  |  420 - June 2020  

So, are we allowed out yet?

At the time of writing (May 27), it is still something of a moot point, as we are seemingly allowed to travel any distance in order to get some exercise (albeit only within the confines of England, as Scotland and Wales are, at this point, still ‘locked-down’), yet travelling simply for the joy of travel seems to be frowned upon, regardless of the fact that the joy of the journey is the main reason why we like motorcycles, especially classic ones.

Of course, the situation may have changed – in either direction – by the time this magazine has made it to your front door, but whatever the case, we can still rest easy knowing that riding a motorcycle (classic or otherwise) is perhaps the safest form of transport as far as any kind of socially spread disease is concerned.

As motorcyclists, we tend to travel alone, or with a loved one or close family member, and we wear protective equipment in the form of face and eye protection and hand coverage pretty much at all times.

And then there’s all the benefits that riding a bike has in terms of trafficbusting, economy and – perhaps the most important of all, yet often the last to be mentioned – the mental health benefits of riding a bike. And that last factor must surely be of huge importance, given the statements made by health professionals about the increase in mental health issues due to the Covid-19 lockdown…
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Now available in digital format, Old Bike Mart offers the UK’s largest selection of classic motorcycle classifieds. It features the latest news, reports from the racetrack, part and tool reviews and ‘how to’ guides. Newly discovered historic machines are revealed in all their unrestored glory and there’s a nostalgic look back through the annals of motorcycling history. There are also dealer and workshop profiles where the experts behind some of the UK’s finest restorations give a behind-the-scenes insight into how the magic happens. Readers’ rides are examined, buyers’ guides show you what to look for and there are hundreds of ads to browse.

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Basierend auf 54 Kundenrezensionen
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Old Bike Mart

Good mix of articles and supplier info. Überprüft 05 April 2020

Old Bike Mart

Old Bike Mart - great for buying and selling old bikes, includes some decent articles. Digital version available here. Überprüft 07 Juli 2019

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