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Old Bike Mart Magazine 422 - August 2020 Zurück Ausgabe

54 Bewertungen   •  English   •   Aviation & Transport (Motorcycles)
Only €4,99
After just about all of this year’s riding seasonhad been shackled by the confines of Covid social distancing and lockdowns, it seems that things really are finally returning back to something approaching normality, although many folk are saying that we will never return to the normality that we had six months ago.

Finally, we’re seeing autojumbles up and running again, with Ardingly, Stickney and others having taken place by the time you read this. Support them, but stay safe. There’s a look at how ’jumbles, Ardingley in particular, have undertaken their safety procedures on page 28, and just before we went to press we heard that ’Normous Newark will be opening the (one way) gates on August 16, and more details for that, with regards to opening times and regulations, can be found on the website at

As I’ve previously mentioned, as far as the worldof classic motorcycles is concerned, there is a positive side to the social distancing and selfisolating guidelines that so many of us have been following over the last few months. Indeed, lockdown has certainly seen more time being spent in sheds up and down the country, with many more project bikes easing their way towards completion. Even some of my own projects have seen me spinning spanners, tapping threads and MIG-ing stuck fasteners out of limbo. Yet none of them are anywhere near as completed, nor as finely finished, as Neville’s glorious TriBSA that you can see on page 34 – a prime example of howthe time afforded by lockdown can result in apositive outcome. And like Nev’s bike, one of my own projects is a collation of parts that’ve been taking up valuable space in my garage and sheds (everyone needs at least one ‘storage shed’ inaddition to the area in which spanners are swung) although mine are ofmore recent countenance, and require tools of a metric standard, rather than the traditional Imperial flavour of the TriBSA...
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Old Bike Mart

422 - August 2020 After just about all of this year’s riding seasonhad been shackled by the confines of Covid social distancing and lockdowns, it seems that things really are finally returning back to something approaching normality, although many folk are saying that we will never return to the normality that we had six months ago. Finally, we’re seeing autojumbles up and running again, with Ardingly, Stickney and others having taken place by the time you read this. Support them, but stay safe. There’s a look at how ’jumbles, Ardingley in particular, have undertaken their safety procedures on page 28, and just before we went to press we heard that ’Normous Newark will be opening the (one way) gates on August 16, and more details for that, with regards to opening times and regulations, can be found on the website at As I’ve previously mentioned, as far as the worldof classic motorcycles is concerned, there is a positive side to the social distancing and selfisolating guidelines that so many of us have been following over the last few months. Indeed, lockdown has certainly seen more time being spent in sheds up and down the country, with many more project bikes easing their way towards completion. Even some of my own projects have seen me spinning spanners, tapping threads and MIG-ing stuck fasteners out of limbo. Yet none of them are anywhere near as completed, nor as finely finished, as Neville’s glorious TriBSA that you can see on page 34 – a prime example of howthe time afforded by lockdown can result in apositive outcome. And like Nev’s bike, one of my own projects is a collation of parts that’ve been taking up valuable space in my garage and sheds (everyone needs at least one ‘storage shed’ inaddition to the area in which spanners are swung) although mine are ofmore recent countenance, and require tools of a metric standard, rather than the traditional Imperial flavour of the TriBSA...

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Issue Cover

Old Bike Mart  |  422 - August 2020  

After just about all of this year’s riding seasonhad been shackled by the confines of Covid social distancing and lockdowns, it seems that things really are finally returning back to something approaching normality, although many folk are saying that we will never return to the normality that we had six months ago.

Finally, we’re seeing autojumbles up and running again, with Ardingly, Stickney and others having taken place by the time you read this. Support them, but stay safe. There’s a look at how ’jumbles, Ardingley in particular, have undertaken their safety procedures on page 28, and just before we went to press we heard that ’Normous Newark will be opening the (one way) gates on August 16, and more details for that, with regards to opening times and regulations, can be found on the website at

As I’ve previously mentioned, as far as the worldof classic motorcycles is concerned, there is a positive side to the social distancing and selfisolating guidelines that so many of us have been following over the last few months. Indeed, lockdown has certainly seen more time being spent in sheds up and down the country, with many more project bikes easing their way towards completion. Even some of my own projects have seen me spinning spanners, tapping threads and MIG-ing stuck fasteners out of limbo. Yet none of them are anywhere near as completed, nor as finely finished, as Neville’s glorious TriBSA that you can see on page 34 – a prime example of howthe time afforded by lockdown can result in apositive outcome. And like Nev’s bike, one of my own projects is a collation of parts that’ve been taking up valuable space in my garage and sheds (everyone needs at least one ‘storage shed’ inaddition to the area in which spanners are swung) although mine are ofmore recent countenance, and require tools of a metric standard, rather than the traditional Imperial flavour of the TriBSA...
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Now available in digital format, Old Bike Mart offers the UK’s largest selection of classic motorcycle classifieds. It features the latest news, reports from the racetrack, part and tool reviews and ‘how to’ guides. Newly discovered historic machines are revealed in all their unrestored glory and there’s a nostalgic look back through the annals of motorcycling history. There are also dealer and workshop profiles where the experts behind some of the UK’s finest restorations give a behind-the-scenes insight into how the magic happens. Readers’ rides are examined, buyers’ guides show you what to look for and there are hundreds of ads to browse.

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Old Bike Mart

Good mix of articles and supplier info. Überprüft 05 April 2020

Old Bike Mart

Old Bike Mart - great for buying and selling old bikes, includes some decent articles. Digital version available here. Überprüft 07 Juli 2019

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