Old Bike Mart  |  425 - November 2020
Welcome to Old Bike Mart!
In this issue:
Sidecars I have known
Over the last few issues, Mick Payne has shown readers what mounted to pretty much the death throes of Britain’s once important sidecar industry. But there was still plenty of three-wheeled life in the workshops of Britain, and sidecar manufacture continues to this day. Here he looks at the sidecar rigs that have most impressed him.
Earls Court Shows recaptured with glass plate clarity!
Hidden away in Mortons’ Motorcycle Archive are almost two tons of glass plate images recalling our motorcycling heritage from as far back as the beginning of the 20th century. In the second part of his feature, Pete Kelly digs out some superb images taken between 1954 and 1960 and which continue to illustrate that such photographs remained the way to record and capture top events, such as the Earls Court Motorcycle Shows, for many years.
And much more!
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