Opera Now  |  September 2014
With his blazing tenor voice, full of Mediterranean warmth and redolent of the ‘Golden Age’ of singing, Joseph Calleja has become a firm favourite on the international opera scene. In this issue of Opera Now, ‘the Maltese tenor’ shares some candid thoughts on the growing demands on opera singers in a busy modern world; we look forward to the launch of the new opera season with a critical pick of this autumn’s productions from around the world; and Michael White explores the fallout from Glyndebourne’s ‘Chubbygate’ scandal. Plus, Nicholas Cleobury, artistic director of Mid Wales Opera, introduces the company’s 25th anniversary tour; we complete our survey of opera in the great wine regions of the world with a visit to Southwest France; Opera Philadelphia; become an instant expert on Beethoven’s Fidelio; and your chance to win 17 CDs of the legendary Italian tenor Carlo Bergonzi.
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