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OutThere Magazine #24 The Experientialist Awards Issue Zurück Ausgabe

3 Bewertungen   •  English   •   Leisure Interest (Travel)
Only €9,99
In this issue, we showcase the winners and finalists from The Experientialist® Awards, our not-for-profit, philanthropy-driven awards programme. We recognise and applaud the brands and people from across our big and beautiful world that have delivered truly OutThere initiatives, ingenious and innovative ideas, original and dynamic experiences, unparalleled leadership and community-first approaches in luxury travel, rooted in our core values of diversity, discovery and discernment.

This issue contains heartwarming tales of deep dedication to putting people, purpose and planet firmly ahead of profits; of boundary-pushing pioneers who are redefining what it means to be global citizens; of celebrated living and the very best in culture, sophistication and hedonism.

But it’s not a complete departure from our usual programming, as we take a deep dive – in partnership with Meet Boston – to discover the 23 distinct neighbourhoods that make up the diverse Massachusettsan city. We journey over to Dutchess County in upstate New York to explore a wonderfully artsy and liberal expression of the American Dream. We head to lesser-known Greece, to go both deep into history and high into the new identity of the storied island of Kalymnos. We learn to trust our gut on two very different retreats in Austria and Portugal. And we launch our first-ever special about exceptional journeys on water, showcasing the new wavemaker in luxury oceanfaring and another anchored in rich heritage and legacy.
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#24 The Experientialist Awards Issue In this issue, we showcase the winners and finalists from The Experientialist® Awards, our not-for-profit, philanthropy-driven awards programme. We recognise and applaud the brands and people from across our big and beautiful world that have delivered truly OutThere initiatives, ingenious and innovative ideas, original and dynamic experiences, unparalleled leadership and community-first approaches in luxury travel, rooted in our core values of diversity, discovery and discernment. This issue contains heartwarming tales of deep dedication to putting people, purpose and planet firmly ahead of profits; of boundary-pushing pioneers who are redefining what it means to be global citizens; of celebrated living and the very best in culture, sophistication and hedonism. But it’s not a complete departure from our usual programming, as we take a deep dive – in partnership with Meet Boston – to discover the 23 distinct neighbourhoods that make up the diverse Massachusettsan city. We journey over to Dutchess County in upstate New York to explore a wonderfully artsy and liberal expression of the American Dream. We head to lesser-known Greece, to go both deep into history and high into the new identity of the storied island of Kalymnos. We learn to trust our gut on two very different retreats in Austria and Portugal. And we launch our first-ever special about exceptional journeys on water, showcasing the new wavemaker in luxury oceanfaring and another anchored in rich heritage and legacy.

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Issue Cover

OutThere  |  #24 The Experientialist Awards Issue  

In this issue, we showcase the winners and finalists from The Experientialist® Awards, our not-for-profit, philanthropy-driven awards programme. We recognise and applaud the brands and people from across our big and beautiful world that have delivered truly OutThere initiatives, ingenious and innovative ideas, original and dynamic experiences, unparalleled leadership and community-first approaches in luxury travel, rooted in our core values of diversity, discovery and discernment.

This issue contains heartwarming tales of deep dedication to putting people, purpose and planet firmly ahead of profits; of boundary-pushing pioneers who are redefining what it means to be global citizens; of celebrated living and the very best in culture, sophistication and hedonism.

But it’s not a complete departure from our usual programming, as we take a deep dive – in partnership with Meet Boston – to discover the 23 distinct neighbourhoods that make up the diverse Massachusettsan city. We journey over to Dutchess County in upstate New York to explore a wonderfully artsy and liberal expression of the American Dream. We head to lesser-known Greece, to go both deep into history and high into the new identity of the storied island of Kalymnos. We learn to trust our gut on two very different retreats in Austria and Portugal. And we launch our first-ever special about exceptional journeys on water, showcasing the new wavemaker in luxury oceanfaring and another anchored in rich heritage and legacy.
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OutThere is a multi-award-winning luxury travel and experiential travel journal for what is a large, global audience of travellers who identify with our core values of diversity, discovery and discernment. We aim to be the leading voice of inclusivity in luxury and experiential travel, telling stories with an intersectional and inclusive lens, from the perspective of passionate and diverse storytellers (Experientialist®s) who represent the travellers who seek a heightened level of personalisation and belonging when they head out into the world: simply because of who they are, how they identify, who they’re travelling with and who they love. We also share the stories and vision of minorities in the travel space, who are creating unique adventures that celebrate and bring to life the history and richness of the communities that they are part of.

We celebrate the many fascinating expressions of global travel, from amazing destinations to luxurious hotels and resorts to unique, one-of-a-kind experiences. Moreover, we look at journeys that extend beyond the act of travelling itself – featuring Arts, fashion, design, style and the people behind them – interspersed with strong personal stories, great photography, industry voices, inside tracks and in-depth features – that will inspire your next journey. Join us. Get OutThere.

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This magazine is highly recommended for Globetrotters Überprüft 13 September 2017

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