Practical Fishkeeping  |  Practical Fishkeeping December 2021
This month I went to a trade show, and following on from my 80s feature in the last issue, it got me thinking just how much great equipment we have nowadays. As a hobby, we really are flourishing, with such an abundance of gear that we’re slowly creeping closer to fishkeeping’s ‘grail’ moment — the ability to keep any fish in aquaria. Just two or three decades ago, the limitations on what you could keep were considerable. Nowadays, the possibilities are so vast that the hobby has evolved into numerous genres, limited only by their creators’ own imaginations. That huge variety is reflected in part in the diversity of this issue — amongst other features we have topics as distant from each other as single-species marine tanks and the world’s best aquascapes.
I love seeing how new innovations push our hobby to new places, week in and week out, and I for one cannot wait to see what they bring us next.
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