Practical Fishkeeping  |  Practical Fishkeeping Magazine September 2021
with heatwaves looming and long summer days filled with sun just over the horizon, now would be the ideal time to take the plunge with solar-powered hardware (if you’re a pond owner, at least). Good thing, then, that Gabor Horvath has written a piece on some of the entry level solar gear that’s available for this month.
If labouring around a pond isn’t your thing, and if even running an aquarium is something that causes you difficulty, then you might find some comfort in Jan Cremetti’s helpful feature on dealing with disabilities.
This month also marks a return to getting back on the road, so we’ve visited a cracking new marine-heavy store that has only opened recently.
On top of all that, we’ve got some cracking tropical projects to look at. The Indostomus feature on page 20 is a particular personal favourite for this issue!
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