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Prospect Magazine June 2023 Zurück Ausgabe

39 Bewertungen   •  English   •   General Interest (News & Current Affairs)
In the early 2000s, Britain’s cruellest newspapers spied on anyone who they thought might lead to a scoop. For the first time, Tom Lamont reveals the full story of how Prince Harry and a team of phone-hackers-turned-investigators ended up working towards the same end: exposing the bad behaviour of the tabloid press. Also in the magazine: Donald Macintyre reports on Israel’s shaking democracy and the fallout from Netanyahu’s divisive reforms. Mathilda Mallinson covers pollution in the Niger Delta and examines whether climate court cases can make a difference. Imogen West-Knights explores the gross physicality of Succession. And Ethan Zuckerman admits that he’s changed his mind about AI—ChatGPT makes too many false assumptions and must be closely interrogated.
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Prospect Magazine

June 2023 In the early 2000s, Britain’s cruellest newspapers spied on anyone who they thought might lead to a scoop. For the first time, Tom Lamont reveals the full story of how Prince Harry and a team of phone-hackers-turned-investigators ended up working towards the same end: exposing the bad behaviour of the tabloid press. Also in the magazine: Donald Macintyre reports on Israel’s shaking democracy and the fallout from Netanyahu’s divisive reforms. Mathilda Mallinson covers pollution in the Niger Delta and examines whether climate court cases can make a difference. Imogen West-Knights explores the gross physicality of Succession. And Ethan Zuckerman admits that he’s changed his mind about AI—ChatGPT makes too many false assumptions and must be closely interrogated.

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Issue Cover

Prospect Magazine  |  June 2023  

In the early 2000s, Britain’s cruellest newspapers spied on anyone who they thought might lead to a scoop. For the first time, Tom Lamont reveals the full story of how Prince Harry and a team of phone-hackers-turned-investigators ended up working towards the same end: exposing the bad behaviour of the tabloid press. Also in the magazine: Donald Macintyre reports on Israel’s shaking democracy and the fallout from Netanyahu’s divisive reforms. Mathilda Mallinson covers pollution in the Niger Delta and examines whether climate court cases can make a difference. Imogen West-Knights explores the gross physicality of Succession. And Ethan Zuckerman admits that he’s changed his mind about AI—ChatGPT makes too many false assumptions and must be closely interrogated.
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Fab Überprüft 26 November 2012

One of the more objective and informed commentaries on affairs. A must read.
Überprüft 07 September 2012

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