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Radio User Magazine April 2018 Zurück Ausgabe

161 Bewertungen   •  English   •   Tech & Gaming (Gadgets)

Propagation & Radio Science - Tomas Hood investigates sunspots.
Scanning Scene - Bill Robertson surveys digital modes scanner models.
Decode - Mike Richards expands his survey of the technologies driving radio applications.
Review: The SDRPlay RSP1A Software Defined Receiver - Clint Gouveia reveals in some detail this SDR’s performance on the HF bands.
Airband News - David Smith offers an ATC communications profile of Manchester Airport.
Maritime Matters - Robert Connolly details the radio communications, in use at Britain’s inland ports and waterways infrastructure.
Utility Monitoring - Nils Schiffhauer contributes a comprehensive survey.
Book Review - David Harris introduces new books.
DXTV, FM & Satellite News - Keith Hamer and Garry Smith appraise tropospheric propagation in January 2018.
LM&S Broadcast Matters - Chrissy Brand surveys a number of broadcasts across the medium and short wave bands.
Fifty Years of BBC Colour TV (Part Two) - Keith Hamer and Garry Smith cover the intricacies of the colour technology.
Digital Radio - Kevin Ryan critically assesses issues of DAB radio coverage, reports on DAB+ and introduces the workings of AAC audio decoders.
Emerging Issues - Chrissy Brand celebrates the roles that radio can play, both in local communities and through global initiatives.
Comms from Europe - Simon Parker investigates the impact that the mass-production of transceivers can have.
Software Spot - QSP73 Services has a portfolio of updated radio software.
News & Products - A focus on new radios, transceivers and antennas from UK radio traders.
House of Light - A short report on a recent visit to one of the more unusual, little-known, museums.
Off the Record - Oscar the Engineer introduces London station LBC.
Feedback and Corrections - Your posts, e-mails and letters.
Radio Book Store - Your one-stop-shop for a selection of hobby-related titles.
Rallies & Events - Our detailed, seasonally-adjusted, list of radio shows.
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Radio User

April 2018 IN THIS ISSUE Propagation & Radio Science - Tomas Hood investigates sunspots. Scanning Scene - Bill Robertson surveys digital modes scanner models. Decode - Mike Richards expands his survey of the technologies driving radio applications. Review: The SDRPlay RSP1A Software Defined Receiver - Clint Gouveia reveals in some detail this SDR’s performance on the HF bands. Airband News - David Smith offers an ATC communications profile of Manchester Airport. Maritime Matters - Robert Connolly details the radio communications, in use at Britain’s inland ports and waterways infrastructure. Utility Monitoring - Nils Schiffhauer contributes a comprehensive survey. Book Review - David Harris introduces new books. DXTV, FM & Satellite News - Keith Hamer and Garry Smith appraise tropospheric propagation in January 2018. LM&S Broadcast Matters - Chrissy Brand surveys a number of broadcasts across the medium and short wave bands. Fifty Years of BBC Colour TV (Part Two) - Keith Hamer and Garry Smith cover the intricacies of the colour technology. Digital Radio - Kevin Ryan critically assesses issues of DAB radio coverage, reports on DAB+ and introduces the workings of AAC audio decoders. Emerging Issues - Chrissy Brand celebrates the roles that radio can play, both in local communities and through global initiatives. Comms from Europe - Simon Parker investigates the impact that the mass-production of transceivers can have. Software Spot - QSP73 Services has a portfolio of updated radio software. News & Products - A focus on new radios, transceivers and antennas from UK radio traders. House of Light - A short report on a recent visit to one of the more unusual, little-known, museums. Off the Record - Oscar the Engineer introduces London station LBC. Feedback and Corrections - Your posts, e-mails and letters. Radio Book Store - Your one-stop-shop for a selection of hobby-related titles. Rallies & Events - Our detailed, seasonally-adjusted, list of radio shows.

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Issue Cover

Radio User  |  April 2018  


Propagation & Radio Science - Tomas Hood investigates sunspots.
Scanning Scene - Bill Robertson surveys digital modes scanner models.
Decode - Mike Richards expands his survey of the technologies driving radio applications.
Review: The SDRPlay RSP1A Software Defined Receiver - Clint Gouveia reveals in some detail this SDR’s performance on the HF bands.
Airband News - David Smith offers an ATC communications profile of Manchester Airport.
Maritime Matters - Robert Connolly details the radio communications, in use at Britain’s inland ports and waterways infrastructure.
Utility Monitoring - Nils Schiffhauer contributes a comprehensive survey.
Book Review - David Harris introduces new books.
DXTV, FM & Satellite News - Keith Hamer and Garry Smith appraise tropospheric propagation in January 2018.
LM&S Broadcast Matters - Chrissy Brand surveys a number of broadcasts across the medium and short wave bands.
Fifty Years of BBC Colour TV (Part Two) - Keith Hamer and Garry Smith cover the intricacies of the colour technology.
Digital Radio - Kevin Ryan critically assesses issues of DAB radio coverage, reports on DAB+ and introduces the workings of AAC audio decoders.
Emerging Issues - Chrissy Brand celebrates the roles that radio can play, both in local communities and through global initiatives.
Comms from Europe - Simon Parker investigates the impact that the mass-production of transceivers can have.
Software Spot - QSP73 Services has a portfolio of updated radio software.
News & Products - A focus on new radios, transceivers and antennas from UK radio traders.
House of Light - A short report on a recent visit to one of the more unusual, little-known, museums.
Off the Record - Oscar the Engineer introduces London station LBC.
Feedback and Corrections - Your posts, e-mails and letters.
Radio Book Store - Your one-stop-shop for a selection of hobby-related titles.
Rallies & Events - Our detailed, seasonally-adjusted, list of radio shows.
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Since its debut in 2006, RadioUser, the former Short Wave Magazine, has been the best-selling radio listener`s’ magazine in the UK. It covers all forms of broadcast and two-way radio, but not amateur radio. The magazine offers regular columns, exciting features, equipment reviews and a plethora of resources on a large number of radio topics.

With one eye on the traditions and history of radio, and another one on its present and dynamic future, RadioUser contains up-to-the-minute writing from our expert team of authors, on:

• News and Products
• Reviews of the latest radios, scanners, antennas and other radio equipment
• Emerging Issues in Radio, and from the Radio Industry, National (UK) Radio
• Aerials and Antennas, Airband and Maritime Radio
• International Broadcast Radio, from Long Wave to Short Wave, FM, Digital and Online
• Network Radio, Podcasting and Digital Radio
• Software-Defined Radio (SDR)
• CB Radio
• Portraits of Radio Personalities, Clubs, Associations and Charities
• Radio in History and the History of Radio
• Scanning and Receiving Signals from Space
• Taking Radio Mobile, DXpeditions, and CB Radio (from January 2020)
• Utility (non-broadcast) Signals and Non-Directional Beacons
• Books, Club Activities, Radio Rallies and Resources
• Radio, Weather, Climate and the Atmosphere
• Very Low Frequency (VLF) Radio

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Good for those radio fans Überprüft 23 Januar 2023

Very entertaining

Ideal for all those amateurs of the radio Überprüft 25 April 2022

Radio User

Super! Überprüft 18 Februar 2021

Radio User

Did not realise how interesting it would be Thankyou Überprüft 15 September 2020

Radio User

very interesting
Überprüft 11 August 2020

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