Radio User  |  April 2018
Propagation & Radio Science - Tomas Hood investigates sunspots.
Scanning Scene - Bill Robertson surveys digital modes scanner models.
Decode - Mike Richards expands his survey of the technologies driving radio applications.
Review: The SDRPlay RSP1A Software Defined Receiver - Clint Gouveia reveals in some detail this SDR’s performance on the HF bands.
Airband News - David Smith offers an ATC communications profile of Manchester Airport.
Maritime Matters - Robert Connolly details the radio communications, in use at Britain’s inland ports and waterways infrastructure.
Utility Monitoring - Nils Schiffhauer contributes a comprehensive survey.
Book Review - David Harris introduces new books.
DXTV, FM & Satellite News - Keith Hamer and Garry Smith appraise tropospheric propagation in January 2018.
LM&S Broadcast Matters - Chrissy Brand surveys a number of broadcasts across the medium and short wave bands.
Fifty Years of BBC Colour TV (Part Two) - Keith Hamer and Garry Smith cover the intricacies of the colour technology.
Digital Radio - Kevin Ryan critically assesses issues of DAB radio coverage, reports on DAB+ and introduces the workings of AAC audio decoders.
Emerging Issues - Chrissy Brand celebrates the roles that radio can play, both in local communities and through global initiatives.
Comms from Europe - Simon Parker investigates the impact that the mass-production of transceivers can have.
Software Spot - QSP73 Services has a portfolio of updated radio software.
News & Products - A focus on new radios, transceivers and antennas from UK radio traders.
House of Light - A short report on a recent visit to one of the more unusual, little-known, museums.
Off the Record - Oscar the Engineer introduces London station LBC.
Feedback and Corrections - Your posts, e-mails and letters.
Radio Book Store - Your one-stop-shop for a selection of hobby-related titles.
Rallies & Events - Our detailed, seasonally-adjusted, list of radio shows.
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