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Radio User Magazine

12 Ausgaben pro Jahr   |  English
161 Bewertungen   •  English   •   Tech & Gaming (Gadgets)
Since its debut in 2006, RadioUser, the former Short Wave Magazine, has been the best-selling radio listener`s’ magazine in the UK. It covers all forms of broadcast and two-way radio, but not amateur radio. The magazine offers regular columns, exciting features, equipment reviews and a plethora of resources on a large number of radio topics.

With one eye on the traditions and history of radio, and another one on its present and dynamic future, RadioUser contains up-to-the-minute writing from our expert team of authors, on:

• News and Products
• Reviews of the latest radios, scanners, antennas and other radio equipment
• Emerging Issues in Radio, and from the Radio Industry, National (UK) Radio
• Aerials and Antennas, Airband and Maritime Radio
• International Broadcast Radio, from Long Wave to Short Wave, FM, Digital and Online
• Network Radio, Podcasting and Digital Radio
• Software-Defined Radio (SDR)
• CB Radio
• Portraits of Radio Personalities, Clubs, Associations and Charities
• Radio in History and the History of Radio
• Scanning and Receiving Signals from Space
• Taking Radio Mobile, DXpeditions, and CB Radio (from January 2020)
• Utility (non-broadcast) Signals and Non-Directional Beacons
• Books, Club Activities, Radio Rallies and Resources
• Radio, Weather, Climate and the Atmosphere
• Very Low Frequency (VLF) Radio
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Radio User

December 2022 IN THIS ISSUE In the December 2022 and final issue of RadioUser, you can learn about the past, present and future of the BBC, and the World Service, and you are invited to delve into the exciting world of amateur radio. Plus, in our latest features and regular columns, we enable you to find out about women working in radio propaganda in North Korea and Japan in WWII, and about modern-day electronic surveillance in the South China Sea. Our book reviews reflect and expand these themes. There is also the very latest on new radios and accessories, and reports on RAF Leuchars, maritime search-and-rescue, and skeleton-slot antennas, to name but a few topics. Our two rally features bring you up-to-date with the latest from the world of radio enthusiasts, Plus all the very latest frequency listings, radio station and podcast news, and our famous shop for books and archive CDs.

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Digitale Einzelausgabe December 2022
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Die Ersparnisse werden auf der Grundlage eines vergleichbaren Kaufs von Einzelausgaben über einen annualisierten Abonnementzeitraum berechnet und können von den angegebenen Beträgen abweichen. Die Berechnungen dienen nur zu Illustrationszwecken. Digitale Abonnements beinhalten die letzte Ausgabe und alle regulären Ausgaben, die während Ihres Abonnements erscheinen, sofern nicht anders angegeben. Das von Ihnen gewählte Abonnement verlängert sich automatisch, wenn es nicht bis zu 24 Stunden vor Ablauf des laufenden Abonnements im Bereich Mein Konto gekündigt wird.

Issue Cover

Radio User  |  December 2022  


In the December 2022 and final issue of RadioUser, you can learn about the past, present and future of the BBC, and the World Service, and you are invited to delve into the exciting world of amateur radio. Plus, in our latest features and regular columns, we enable you to find out about women working in radio propaganda in North Korea and Japan in WWII, and about modern-day electronic surveillance in the South China Sea. Our book reviews reflect and expand these themes. There is also the very latest on new radios and accessories, and reports on RAF Leuchars, maritime search-and-rescue, and skeleton-slot antennas, to name but a few topics. Our two rally features bring you up-to-date with the latest from the world of radio enthusiasts, Plus all the very latest frequency listings, radio station and podcast news, and our famous shop for books and archive CDs.
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Since its debut in 2006, RadioUser, the former Short Wave Magazine, has been the best-selling radio listener`s’ magazine in the UK. It covers all forms of broadcast and two-way radio, but not amateur radio. The magazine offers regular columns, exciting features, equipment reviews and a plethora of resources on a large number of radio topics.

With one eye on the traditions and history of radio, and another one on its present and dynamic future, RadioUser contains up-to-the-minute writing from our expert team of authors, on:

• News and Products
• Reviews of the latest radios, scanners, antennas and other radio equipment
• Emerging Issues in Radio, and from the Radio Industry, National (UK) Radio
• Aerials and Antennas, Airband and Maritime Radio
• International Broadcast Radio, from Long Wave to Short Wave, FM, Digital and Online
• Network Radio, Podcasting and Digital Radio
• Software-Defined Radio (SDR)
• CB Radio
• Portraits of Radio Personalities, Clubs, Associations and Charities
• Radio in History and the History of Radio
• Scanning and Receiving Signals from Space
• Taking Radio Mobile, DXpeditions, and CB Radio (from January 2020)
• Utility (non-broadcast) Signals and Non-Directional Beacons
• Books, Club Activities, Radio Rallies and Resources
• Radio, Weather, Climate and the Atmosphere
• Very Low Frequency (VLF) Radio

Als Abonnent erhalten Sie die folgenden Vorteile:

•  Ein Rabatt auf den UVP Ihrer Zeitschrift
•  Ihr Magazin wird jeden Monat auf Ihr Gerät geliefert
•  Sie werden keine Ausgabe verpassen
•  Sie sind vor Preiserhöhungen geschützt, die später im Jahr eintreten können

Sie erhalten 12 Ausgaben während eines 1-Jahres Radio User Zeitschriftenabonnement.

Hinweis: Die digitalen Ausgaben enthalten nicht die in den gedruckten Exemplaren enthaltenen Umschlagseiten oder Beilagen.

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Basierend auf 161 Kundenrezensionen
Rezensionen ansehen


Good for those radio fans Überprüft 23 Januar 2023

Very entertaining

Ideal for all those amateurs of the radio Überprüft 25 April 2022

Radio User

Super! Überprüft 18 Februar 2021

Radio User

Did not realise how interesting it would be Thankyou Überprüft 15 September 2020

Radio User

very interesting
Überprüft 11 August 2020

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