Radio User  |  September 2019
• NEWS & PRODUCTS: The latest radio news from around the world
• AIR SHOW GUIDE (Part IV): The final part of our Guide to 2019 Airshows
• LINDARS RADIOS: The journey from small beginnings to becoming one of the latest UK-based radio traders
• Book Review: The autobiography of the Classic FM presenter Nick Bailey
• AERIALS NOW!: The Yagi-Uda type of aerial and the secrets of using SMA, SMB and QMA connectors
• SCANNING SCENE: An in-depth assessment of the Uniden Bearcat SDS-200 base/mobile digital trunking scanner
• AIRBAND NEWS: ATC operations at Newcastle Airport and new ways of reducing wake vortices
• THE MEDIUM WAVE CIRCLE: The surprising scope and fascination of modern medium wave monitoring
• RADIO AND TV: PAST & PRESENT: The pioneering days and outstanding personalities in the early development of both media
• THE FUTURE OF RADIO IN PAKISTAN: How radio rises to a multitude of socio-economic challenges in Pakistan
• MARITIME MATTERS: The use, meaning and technology behind maritime distress calls
• RUBY PAYNE-SCOTT: The Australian radio astronomer who excelled in her work on solar radio emissions while struggling against the inequalities of her time.
• EMERGING ISSUES IN RADIO: Current audio/ podcasting technologies with the Apple Watch
• INTERNATIONAL RADIO SCENE: The Italian FM radio scene and a mini-survey of the very best and latest in contemporary global radio
• RADIOUSER COMPETITION: Your chance to win a top-notch Cross Country Wireless Indoor Active HF Loop Aerial
• NETWORK RADIO: Network radio APRS and 5G safety
• THE FALKLANDS WAR: Broadcast radio and two-way military communications, before, during and after the 1982 conflict
• UTILITY MONITORING: A review of the professional-grade WiNRADIO Excalibur WR-G65DDC (Sigma) SDR
• DIGITAL RADIO: The latest in the international DRM scene
RALLIES & EVENTS: Rallies, swap-meets, club events, lectures, and related activities
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