Raider  |  Vol 8 Iss 2
Welcome to this issue of Raider and to my first as a fully-fledged editor. There’s plenty of interest in this month’s issue from top tactical kit made in Europe courtesy of SAG, Poland, to an in-depth look at one of the UK’s best military/outdoors suppliers in Snugpak. SAG turn out exceptionally good kit at exceedingly good prices. See examples from their extensive range in our ‘Loadup’ feature.
Snugpak should need no introduction. Makers of the brilliant ‘Sleeka’ jacket they have been innovating in Britain for three decades, and show absolutely no sign of stopping any time soon. We have a head to head test featuring watches from Suunto and Casio, watches capable of telling
you where you are, where to go and just what the weather’s going to be like when you get there.
Trampas has been looking at the new Mossberg MPV rifle, a 5.56mm platform aimed squarely at the Law Enforcement community. You can read his opinion of both the rifle itself and those who will be buying it and using it inside. As someone with many years service in law enforcement, Trampas knows exactly what he’s talking about!
With all our usual features such as Adrenaline, Survival and more fitness tips, there should be more than enough in this month’s issue to keep you going!
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