Railway Modeller  |  January 2025
Lancaster: Railway of the Month
Jon Chamberlain describes how he set about building this pre-Grouping OO gauge depiction of a classic West Coast Main Line station in his garage.
Southwark Bridge: Plan of the Month
For his fictional London terminus station, Graham Bridge turned to a classic Cyril J Freezer track plan – Minories, first published in Railway Modeller in April 1957.
Richmond signal box: Scale Drawings
Peter Brown presents 2mm scale drawings for another of the structures he has modelled on his N gauge branch terminus layout, which was featured in our August 2024 issue.
Sir Rod Stewart: The Grand Street & Three Rivers Railroad
When we first welcomed Sir Rod Stewart to the pages of Railway Modeller in the December 2019 issue, he hinted that his vast HO gauge layout could be relocated fromLos Angele s to his UK home. A little over five years on, Sir Rod has invited us back to reveal the culmination of
this huge undertaking.
The 3mm Society at 60: Mileposts
2025 sees this organisation celebrate its Diamond Anniversary, and the remarkable survival of what is undoubtedly a minority scale, but one that has a loyal following, as Society Chairman Martin Gentle explains.
Stedham Mill
With the 3mm Society celebrating its 60th anniversary, we present a fine example of modelling in this scale by Paul Hopkins.
Braich Goch Yard: Micro Marvels
Limited available space is no barrier to modelling in a larger scale, as Jean-Luc Pineau demonstrates with this compact essay in O-16.5.
Making a start in OO9 – part 4
Continuing with the creation of his Ffestiniog Railwayinspired layout, this month Chris Ford completes a quartet of structures using kits from the Peco range.
Talking Points
Topical issues from the world of railway modelling. This month, Owen Edis updates us on the latest developments with his OO gauge layout, which uses a hybrid 12V dc and Digital Command Control system.
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