RCM&E  |  November 2015
"RCM&E is the UK's biggest and best selling R/C flying mag... take a look at the November 2015 issue, the perfect read for every flier...
PLAN FEATURE - Cruiser - Rich Harris is back with his new fine looking, easy-build and easy flying autogyro
REVIEW - Skyraider - Liam Swarbrick engages with Seagull's new warbird
PILOTS PICTORIAL - Every month we'll showcase your projects, starting here!
THE KNOWLEDGE - Our new series highlights the essential everyday skills every model flyer should posess
REVIEW - Saito FG-19 - A radical four-stroke beauty
ON THE EDGE - Andy Ellison is back with a slope-side round-up including news of a new F3F world record
FIELD OF TRIBES - A full round-up from the BMFA Nats at RAF Barkston Heath, the trills, spills, the rain and the burgers
KEY POINTS PT.4 LOOPS - One of the three basic aerobatic manoeuvres, isn't it about time you really perfected those loops?
REVIEW - Quantum 90 - The 90mm EDF jet that's just a little bit... now how can we put this, oh yes... different!
SWITCH ON - News from the UK's only model Li-Po assembler and lots more
GOING PLACES - Dust off those shockies, the indoor flying season has arrived!
FPV TO GO - Always wondered what FPV is all about but worried by the apparent complexity? Fear not, Tim Kearsley kicks off a new series that'll soon have you looking down on the world
...and lots more!"
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Artikel in dieser Ausgabe
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