Retro Gamer  |  Issue 241
The History Of: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles We chart the videogame success and failures of the heroes in a half shell and quiz Digital Eclipse on its Cowabunga Collection
The Making Of: The Fear: Storm II
Find out how The Firm made its sequel to its highly acclaimed Gauntlet clone
The Making Of: Fightin’ Spirit Despite being one of the Amiga’s best fighting games, Fightin’ Spirit wasn’t a knockout hit. Damiano Gerli finds out why
Peripheral Vision: Arcade Power Stick II Nick loves playing arcade conversions on his Mega Drive, and this hefty joystick certainly helps with that
Ultimate Guide: Cannon Dancer Lewis Packwood revisits this spiritual successor to Strider and looks at Strictly Limited Games’ incoming re-release
Hardware Heaven: 3DO FZ-10 There are lots of different variations of the 3DO. Nick takes a brief look at this popular Panasonic model
Retro Gamer’s Favourite… Cheeky Clones Paul Drury is our resident cheeky lad, so it makes sense that he unearths some of videogaming’s dodgiest knock-offs
The Making Of: Lego Star Wars: The Video Game It wasn’t the first videogame based on Lego, but Lego Star Wars set the standard going forward. Here’s how it happened
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