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Sim Racer Magazine

6 Ausgaben pro Jahr   |  English
0 Bewertungen   •  English   •   Tech & Gaming (Gaming)
For the first time ever The global Sim Racing community will be brought together in this unique bi-monthly publication
Our experienced editorial team of talented Sim Racers will excite, educate and inform our readers and increase the general awareness of Sim Racing throughout the world.

Sim Racer will cover all of the sim racing formats along with company profiles, product reviews, group tests interviews, technical reports, racing hints and tips and commentaries from the sim racing world.

Over the coming months Sim Racer will become the definitive guide to Sim Racing.
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Sim Racer

sim racer vol 1 iss 12 SIM RACING... IN THE WIDER WORLD One thing that has become clearly apparent over the last couple of months is the speed at which sim racing is now growing. With a variety of racing teams admitting to using sims as a way to practice, and big named racers getting involved with the development of games, the genre is definitely growing. Now though, many big organisations are jumping aboard, putting on a number of tournaments with large prize pools. Take Red Bull for example, this month we take a look at their 5G event which will be hosted at the ExCel Centre in London. They’ll be taking a whole heap of lucky winners from across a number of games on an all expenses paid trip to Tokyo; the home of Red Bull 5G. Formula E have also got involved as well, with plans of hosting a tournament in Vegas with a whopping $1,000,000 prize pool. Now these kind of events aren’t unheard of in the greater gaming

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Issue Cover

Sim Racer  |  sim racer vol 1 iss 12  

One thing that has become clearly apparent over the last couple of months is the speed at
which sim racing is now growing. With a variety of racing teams admitting to using sims as
a way to practice, and big named racers getting involved with the development of games,
the genre is definitely growing.
Now though, many big organisations are jumping aboard, putting on a number of
tournaments with large prize pools. Take Red Bull for example, this month we take a look at
their 5G event which will be hosted at the ExCel Centre in London. They’ll be taking a whole
heap of lucky winners from across a number of games on an all expenses paid trip to Tokyo;
the home of Red Bull 5G. Formula E have also got involved as well, with plans of hosting a
tournament in Vegas with a whopping $1,000,000 prize pool.
Now these kind of events aren’t unheard of in the greater gaming
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For the first time ever The global Sim Racing community will be brought together in this unique bi-monthly publication
Our experienced editorial team of talented Sim Racers will excite, educate and inform our readers and increase the general awareness of Sim Racing throughout the world.

Sim Racer will cover all of the sim racing formats along with company profiles, product reviews, group tests interviews, technical reports, racing hints and tips and commentaries from the sim racing world.

Over the coming months Sim Racer will become the definitive guide to Sim Racing.

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