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Skeptic Magazine 2.1 Zurück Ausgabe

280 Bewertungen   •  English   •   General Interest (News & Current Affairs)
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James Randi, Steve Allen, Paul MacCready, Marilyn vos Savant, Elie Shneour, and David Alexander on Genius; The Amadeus Myth: Muses on the Mental Miracles of Genius; A review essay of Genius: The Life and Science of Richard Feynman; The “Science” of Noah’s Ark; The Great Hungarian Crop Circle; Arthur Benjamin Mathemagics: How to Look Like a Genius Without Really Trying; Books and Articles of Interest: Forgotten Ancestors; The Solstice Star; Wishing and Thinking; Thinking Science; Who Are We?; Mountebanks and Scoundrels; Chasing Copernicus; Intimate Darwin; Recombinant DNA; Propaganda and Conspiracy Will Creationists Abandon Creation-”Science”?; Pseudoscience, Social Science, and Conspiracy Theory; Consumed in the Apocalypse; CSICOP and Geller; Randi Update; Heaven Bound; Skeptic in Washington; Einstein at Caltech; My Hour with Einstein; Biomagnetic Psychics; Memory: True or False?; Waco Tragedy; Psychic Accounting
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2.1 GENIUS: MYTHS & REALITY James Randi, Steve Allen, Paul MacCready, Marilyn vos Savant, Elie Shneour, and David Alexander on Genius; The Amadeus Myth: Muses on the Mental Miracles of Genius; A review essay of Genius: The Life and Science of Richard Feynman; The “Science” of Noah’s Ark; The Great Hungarian Crop Circle; Arthur Benjamin Mathemagics: How to Look Like a Genius Without Really Trying; Books and Articles of Interest: Forgotten Ancestors; The Solstice Star; Wishing and Thinking; Thinking Science; Who Are We?; Mountebanks and Scoundrels; Chasing Copernicus; Intimate Darwin; Recombinant DNA; Propaganda and Conspiracy Will Creationists Abandon Creation-”Science”?; Pseudoscience, Social Science, and Conspiracy Theory; Consumed in the Apocalypse; CSICOP and Geller; Randi Update; Heaven Bound; Skeptic in Washington; Einstein at Caltech; My Hour with Einstein; Biomagnetic Psychics; Memory: True or False?; Waco Tragedy; Psychic Accounting

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James Randi, Steve Allen, Paul MacCready, Marilyn vos Savant, Elie Shneour, and David Alexander on Genius; The Amadeus Myth: Muses on the Mental Miracles of Genius; A review essay of Genius: The Life and Science of Richard Feynman; The “Science” of Noah’s Ark; The Great Hungarian Crop Circle; Arthur Benjamin Mathemagics: How to Look Like a Genius Without Really Trying; Books and Articles of Interest: Forgotten Ancestors; The Solstice Star; Wishing and Thinking; Thinking Science; Who Are We?; Mountebanks and Scoundrels; Chasing Copernicus; Intimate Darwin; Recombinant DNA; Propaganda and Conspiracy Will Creationists Abandon Creation-”Science”?; Pseudoscience, Social Science, and Conspiracy Theory; Consumed in the Apocalypse; CSICOP and Geller; Randi Update; Heaven Bound; Skeptic in Washington; Einstein at Caltech; My Hour with Einstein; Biomagnetic Psychics; Memory: True or False?; Waco Tragedy; Psychic Accounting
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I like that even no scientists (like me) can read the articles. Überprüft 07 Dezember 2020


keeping me saner
Überprüft 06 Dezember 2020


My father used to write for the Skeptic. I just can't seem to get into the writing anymore. Überprüft 06 September 2020


I still miss moderated comment in the form of letters to the magazine. Überprüft 11 März 2020


Excellent and balanced coverage of a wide variety of topics Überprüft 08 März 2020

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Skeptic 27.1 27.1 Kaufen für €6,99 Siehe | In den Warenkorb
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