SnowGoer  |  Feb/Mar 2019
Check out the February/March 2019 digital issue of Snow Goer magazine to read about the 2019 Arctic Cat ZR 7000 137, Polaris 600 Indy XC 129, Yamaha SRViper L-TX and Ski-Doo MX Z 600R – four new middleweight trail sleds that reclaim the “flatlander” title with pride.
Other highlights in this issue:
• We put three unique sleds, the 2019 Arctic Cat Pantera 7000 Limited, Polaris Indy Evo and Yamaha Sidewinder L-TX DX under a microscope to examine their unique qualities
• The 101 Great Snowmobiling Pit Stops
• Tour the Quebec countryside on a 600-mile gourmet tour
• Examine the importance of expanding snowmobiling’s demographics
Plus check out two unique vintage sled collections, review a full-season test of the 2018 Yamaha Sidewinder M-TX 153, learn how to revive your sled with a top-end rebuild and more in the February/March 2019 issue of Snow Goer.
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