Sporting Rifle  |  89
With the roebuck season in full swing, Sporting Rifle celebrates this most iconic of UK rifle quarry species with a roebuck special. Stlakers form north and south of the border weigh in with their management tips and best stalking stories. Tony Megson faces a difficult crawl into an early-season buck in Yorkshire, while David Barrington Barnes recounts the best stalks of May that left him with both a roebuck and a muntjac in the bag. Scottish stalker Chris Dalton relays the importance of deer dogs on a stalk, while John Johnson emphasises the use of cameras in deer management.
Elsewhere, foxing expert Robert Bucknell builds his own fox box, while Mike Powell goes through a year in the life of the red predator. Completing a strong line-up of foxing writers is Byron Pace, who ventures to the Inner Hebrides to sample the best of foxing on the isle of Skye.
We've also got a sport abroad special, with African goat, Transylvanian fallow, blue wildebeest and top outfitters all featured. Plus shooting running game, rimfire mink, the Browning Maral straight pull, and taking your daughter hunting – all in one feature-packed issue.
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