Sporting Rifle  |  94
The weather might be cooling down, but the Sporting Rifle line-up has never been hotter. This month we’re going global, with Byron Pace on the bloody trail of a jackal in Africa, David Barrington Barnes treading the Alpine paths of Slovenia, and our biggest Save the Rhino auction yet. Back on home soil, Brian Phipps bids farewell to the Dalchully estate, Helena Douglas gets to grips with new licensing proposals, and Chris Parkin heads back to school with the Riflecraft proficiency course.
As the nights draw in, stay on top of your game with Sporting Rifle’s guide to the best NV and lamping equipment on the market. Elsewhere, our pick of the optics will keep you looking sharp in the field. On test this issue are the Tikka Super Varmint, .30-30 Winchester, and Icotec GC300, plus Mike Powell’s take on the classic Anschutz 1720 .22LR. With all this, plus roe and fallow stalks, foxing solutions, and the chance to win a Docter Classic ZF 8x56 scope worth £700, there’s never been a better reason to get reading.
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