Sporting Rifle  |  98
Sporting Rifle begins its 2014 cycle of issues just as it left off in 2013: with a packed variety of hunting stories, kit reviews, news features, opinions, recollections and much more.
We have reviews of the Sako Quad and Heym SR30, plus the high-tech Victory ASV+ from Zeiss. There's also an in-depth look into thermal imaging technology, and line-ups of the best and most popular stalking and foxing kit on the market.
On the hill, Chris Dalton recounts a few of his most lingering red stag stalking memories. And some bad weather in the Highlands spells trouble for Andy Malcolm. Staying on the deer stalking front, in a special interest piece Rudi van Kets dispenses his expert knowledge on the history and advantages of using dogs to track deer.
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