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The Manufacturer Magazine The Manufacturer July/August 2016 Zurück Ausgabe

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This month, The Manufacturer puts the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) under the spotlight and examines how increased connectivity is helping to transform manufacturing. Jonny Williamson talks exclusively with Cisco’s Senior Director of Product Management for IoT Platforms, Vikas Butaney about the power of networks; and Ruari McCallion shares the good news for cash-strapped SMEs that the IIoT need not involve massive capital outlays. Elsewhere, University of Cambridge’s Dr Ajith Parlikad explains the ‘social network of things’, and WMG’s Professor Irene CL Ng discusses how a ‘hub of all things’ could help solve the looming personal data crisis.
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The Manufacturer

The Manufacturer July/August 2016 This month, The Manufacturer puts the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) under the spotlight and examines how increased connectivity is helping to transform manufacturing. Jonny Williamson talks exclusively with Cisco’s Senior Director of Product Management for IoT Platforms, Vikas Butaney about the power of networks; and Ruari McCallion shares the good news for cash-strapped SMEs that the IIoT need not involve massive capital outlays. Elsewhere, University of Cambridge’s Dr Ajith Parlikad explains the ‘social network of things’, and WMG’s Professor Irene CL Ng discusses how a ‘hub of all things’ could help solve the looming personal data crisis.

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Issue Cover

The Manufacturer  |  The Manufacturer July/August 2016  

This month, The Manufacturer puts the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) under the spotlight and examines how increased connectivity is helping to transform manufacturing. Jonny Williamson talks exclusively with Cisco’s Senior Director of Product Management for IoT Platforms, Vikas Butaney about the power of networks; and Ruari McCallion shares the good news for cash-strapped SMEs that the IIoT need not involve massive capital outlays. Elsewhere, University of Cambridge’s Dr Ajith Parlikad explains the ‘social network of things’, and WMG’s Professor Irene CL Ng discusses how a ‘hub of all things’ could help solve the looming personal data crisis.
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The Manufacturer is a premiere industry publication providing manufacturing news, articles and insights while promoting best practice in the manufacturing industry.

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