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The Northern Miner Magazine Vol. 99 No. 3 Zurück Ausgabe

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Volume 99 Number 3 - March 4 - 10, 2013

*** Massive 60 page PDAC 2013 Issue ***

1. Panoro on track at Cotabambas

2. Alder revisits Rosita in Nicaragua

3. Shopping for stocks at PDAC

4. Energizer outlines graphite economics

5. Excalibur looks to pull gold from Mexican stone

6. Editorial: Gold's mixed signals

7.Commentary: Capital cost overruns, pt. III: Where are the owners in all this?

8. Colt gets mining licences for its tungsten, gold projects

9. Delaney: Resource extraction to be more costly, difficult

10. Commentary: Watch out for the activist shareholder

11. Commentary: The cyclicality of global mining executive pay

12. Centerra faces challenges at Kumtor

13. Semafo's Siou does not disappoint

14. GoGold makes progress at Parral

15. El Teniente's tailings offer dividends for Amerigo

16. Tough times for drillers in early 2013

17. Commentary: Mobile employees and the stay-put generation

18. Uranerz set to benefit from uranium upswing

19. Commentary: Approaching the sustainability trend

20. Osisko marches ahead at Canadian Malartic

21. Commentary: Gold mines and gravestones in the Sahara

22. Commentary: Prepping for PST in BC

23. Victoria moves closer to Eagle Gold construction

24. McEwen finds a sweet spot in Sinaloa

25. Northern Gold's great expectations

26. Nordgold opens Bissa mine in Burkina Faso

27. Detour Gold pours first doré bars

28. Goldcorp keeps its shine through tough gold markets

29. Yamana beefs up Cerro Moro

30. Antofagasta confirms more gold in Chile

31. Northern Freegold advances flagship property in the Yukon with positive PEA

32. Positive study for Champion Iron in Labrador Trough

33. The high-stakes world of Papua New Guinea mining

34. Florence prefeasibility lifts Curis

35. Taking a closer look at Taseko's options

36. Japan and Russia powering uranium rebound

37. Inmet boosts copper reserves as First Quantum bid looms

38. A giant stirs in Bougainville

39. Barrick takes $3.8 Billion writedown
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The Northern Miner

Vol. 99 No. 3 Volume 99 Number 3 - March 4 - 10, 2013 *** Massive 60 page PDAC 2013 Issue *** 1. Panoro on track at Cotabambas 2. Alder revisits Rosita in Nicaragua 3. Shopping for stocks at PDAC 4. Energizer outlines graphite economics 5. Excalibur looks to pull gold from Mexican stone 6. Editorial: Gold's mixed signals 7.Commentary: Capital cost overruns, pt. III: Where are the owners in all this? 8. Colt gets mining licences for its tungsten, gold projects 9. Delaney: Resource extraction to be more costly, difficult 10. Commentary: Watch out for the activist shareholder 11. Commentary: The cyclicality of global mining executive pay 12. Centerra faces challenges at Kumtor 13. Semafo's Siou does not disappoint 14. GoGold makes progress at Parral 15. El Teniente's tailings offer dividends for Amerigo 16. Tough times for drillers in early 2013 17. Commentary: Mobile employees and the stay-put generation 18. Uranerz set to benefit from uranium upswing 19. Commentary: Approaching the sustainability trend 20. Osisko marches ahead at Canadian Malartic 21. Commentary: Gold mines and gravestones in the Sahara 22. Commentary: Prepping for PST in BC 23. Victoria moves closer to Eagle Gold construction 24. McEwen finds a sweet spot in Sinaloa 25. Northern Gold's great expectations 26. Nordgold opens Bissa mine in Burkina Faso 27. Detour Gold pours first doré bars 28. Goldcorp keeps its shine through tough gold markets 29. Yamana beefs up Cerro Moro 30. Antofagasta confirms more gold in Chile 31. Northern Freegold advances flagship property in the Yukon with positive PEA 32. Positive study for Champion Iron in Labrador Trough 33. The high-stakes world of Papua New Guinea mining 34. Florence prefeasibility lifts Curis 35. Taking a closer look at Taseko's options 36. Japan and Russia powering uranium rebound 37. Inmet boosts copper reserves as First Quantum bid looms 38. A giant stirs in Bougainville 39. Barrick takes $3.8 Billion writedown

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Issue Cover

The Northern Miner  |  Vol. 99 No. 3  

Volume 99 Number 3 - March 4 - 10, 2013

*** Massive 60 page PDAC 2013 Issue ***

1. Panoro on track at Cotabambas

2. Alder revisits Rosita in Nicaragua

3. Shopping for stocks at PDAC

4. Energizer outlines graphite economics

5. Excalibur looks to pull gold from Mexican stone

6. Editorial: Gold's mixed signals

7.Commentary: Capital cost overruns, pt. III: Where are the owners in all this?

8. Colt gets mining licences for its tungsten, gold projects

9. Delaney: Resource extraction to be more costly, difficult

10. Commentary: Watch out for the activist shareholder

11. Commentary: The cyclicality of global mining executive pay

12. Centerra faces challenges at Kumtor

13. Semafo's Siou does not disappoint

14. GoGold makes progress at Parral

15. El Teniente's tailings offer dividends for Amerigo

16. Tough times for drillers in early 2013

17. Commentary: Mobile employees and the stay-put generation

18. Uranerz set to benefit from uranium upswing

19. Commentary: Approaching the sustainability trend

20. Osisko marches ahead at Canadian Malartic

21. Commentary: Gold mines and gravestones in the Sahara

22. Commentary: Prepping for PST in BC

23. Victoria moves closer to Eagle Gold construction

24. McEwen finds a sweet spot in Sinaloa

25. Northern Gold's great expectations

26. Nordgold opens Bissa mine in Burkina Faso

27. Detour Gold pours first doré bars

28. Goldcorp keeps its shine through tough gold markets

29. Yamana beefs up Cerro Moro

30. Antofagasta confirms more gold in Chile

31. Northern Freegold advances flagship property in the Yukon with positive PEA

32. Positive study for Champion Iron in Labrador Trough

33. The high-stakes world of Papua New Guinea mining

34. Florence prefeasibility lifts Curis

35. Taking a closer look at Taseko's options

36. Japan and Russia powering uranium rebound

37. Inmet boosts copper reserves as First Quantum bid looms

38. A giant stirs in Bougainville

39. Barrick takes $3.8 Billion writedown
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