The People’s Friend  |  05/03/2022
The People's Friend - Issue 7917
The best fiction with seven short stories, including 'Wear It Well', a delightful romance by Fiona Thomson, and 'A Light Between The Oceans', Deborah Siepmann’s thrilling mystery serial set in the 1970s. Pat Coulter visits Farnham, the Surrey town world-famous for its crafts, we commemorate the 175th anniversary of Alexander Graham Bell’s birth, Stephanie Hawthorne has some great advice when it comes to giving to charity, Bill Gibb discovers the future is looking brighter for the humble hazel dormouse, Alexandra Campbell gathers tips on creating a mini meadow lawn, and Kate Thompson finds out about the wartime library at Bethnal Green Tube station...
Plus more stories, serials, health, gardening, knitting, recipes, travel, and much more inside.
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