The People’s Friend  |  17/09/2022
The People's Friend - Issue 7945
Unmissable fiction with 7 short stories, including 'Life Is For Living', a poignant story of life and love by Della Galton, and we've also got 'London Calling', Alison Carter’s serial set in the early days of radio. Willie Shand enjoys a stroll around the Aberdeenshire village of Kincardine O’Neil, we meet the inspiring youngster who donated her hair to the Little Princess Trust, Diane Allen talks about her latest book 'A Child Of The Dales', and Lorna Cowan meets Brinkley, a media hound for the RNLI in Scotland. We celebrate the Hollywood musical 'Singin’ In The Rain' 70 years on, Dawn Geddes learns about Read Easy UK, a charity helping to change the stigma about illiteracy, and Alexandra Campbell reminds us to take care of our paths and terraces...
Plus more stories, serials, health, gardening, knitting, recipes, travel, and much more inside.
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