Whether it’s a casual interest you hold in rugby or a longstanding and dedicated one, The Rugby Paper is the perfect weekly accompaniment to help you enjoy and understand the sport that much more. Get all the latest rugby news delivered to your device every single week, including stunning photography and the week’s best action from the Aviva Premier League/Guinness PRO12. There is something for everything in The Rugby Paper magazine and you’ll be the go-to person for all your friends with the latest news and insights.
The Rugby Paper digital magazine will provide you with the most comprehensive overview of rugby, and better yet, it’s right at your fingertips every single week.
The Rugby Paper covers everything to do with the Rugby Union, from Premiership and RaboDirect right down to the grassroots. So stay up to date with the latest fixtures, transfers, wins and losses in the Rugby Union by subscribing to The Rugby Paper today!
Make sure you don’t miss anything by subscribing to The Rugby magazine today and enjoy always being in the know with:
- Columns from former famous players including Jeremy Guscott
- Insightful articles on Rugby’s long-standing history and presence in popular culture
- Player profiles of some of your favourite players
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- All the latest transfer news
- Updates on the sport’s latest wins, losses and fixtures
- The most comprehensive overview of what’s going on in the world of rugby!
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